Game Community
Duck Tournament
1 Member

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patos malditos


Duck Tournament

Version: 1.0.5over 3 years ago


Language: English

â–ª A world where skating ducks exist? In Duck Tournament this is possible. Win all five rounds of the tournament and become the master of skating.


â–ª Arrow Keys and Enter

#arcade #Indie #gamemaker #Ducks


Update 1.0.5!
We've had major visual and sound changes since the last update:
- Updated graphics for phases 2, 3 and 4!
- New Sprites. (Boss and Spectators)
- Changes in Phase 3! (New Music and Mechanics)


Update 1.0.3!
We've had some changes since the last update:

- Tutorial.
- We have a simple save system now!
- Simple graphic change in menu and between stages.
- Music for stage 1!
- Changes in stage 2 and 4!
- Particles!


Update 1.0.0
We managed to make a playable and unstable version of our game and decided to post it!

- 5 phases.
- Songs for all stages.
- Final boss with a special .
- Our brand at the beginning.
- Arts in Game Installation.

That's it (ʘᴗʘ✿)