Comments (46)
Maybe I need to play further, but a few things after starting... I absolutely cannot stand the controls. Moving around is clunky and you don't explain which keys do what. I had to, literally, hit every button on my keyboard to figure out what attacked, and why do you jump so high? The mapping LOOKS amazing, but the constant fear of falling off the edge into the dark abyss... that got a bit frustrating, especially when trying to jump across with the, already, clunky controls. I love the art style, and the way he moves and attacks looks really good and fluid. I think this game has a LOT of potential... but you just get thrown into the Dark Forest... surrounded by bandits right away. They immediately attacked me, and I was like... "How do I attack? How do I move? Can I defend?" I died and when I tried again... I started in a completely different spot with no bandits... so that gave me the opportunity to figure out the controls. Have you considered a tutorial at the beginning? Opening story was well written and narrated :-) Again... I think the game has potential... but you really need to put some much needed attention on the controls. And maybe throw in some story as you're walking around... some items and loot. It got a bit boring with the constant fighting right from the start. Nothing really caught my attention or drew me in.
What is the controls? the only thing i could was jump, and really high too, but it dident help me much, How do you attack? :D nothing worked except moving around and jumping.
Serious feedback from a liberal arts major.
The positives:
Your art and animation are top notch. This is pro level work that should make this game a success.
The most useful criticism I can give on first glance:
Your prologue is too long. Most people will skip it or just let it float on by and enjoy the art. To engage players with the story you need to integrate it into the game play like Diablo does. You need to cut the prologue to the most minimal information players need to operate in your setting at the start. As players explore the world you can start filling out the lore maybe with NPC interactions. Make the narrative a part of the interactive experience. As we say in writing, "show more than you tell."
J- Hello Danimarti we played your game and we genuinely loved the art and 3D models. However there were several things about your presentation and mechanics that we had a problem with. We truly believe this can be a project worth continuing. Keep up the great work.
we have made a video reviewing the game for your viewing pleasure. https://youtu.be/iyS37FKZdp8
Love this graphic style! Maybe the fire effects could be improved (I didn't play, just from the screenshots)
Crumbling World Demo
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