
Comments (4)

What do you think?

your Games is so nice

когда версия для мак ос?


Eyes of True(rus)

Version: 0.0.6about 3 years ago

Eyes of True(eng)

Version: 0.0.7almost 3 years ago
English version. If u see bags or translate holes(russian lang., write in comments)

Mild Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Realistic Bloodshed
Mild Language
Crass Humor
Simulated Gambling

If someone wants another sonic exe game , but on unity (I will make it later) - vote pls

  6 votes Voting finished

Thanks for 1k views!!!!!

Почти 1000 просмотров!
Almost 1000 views/visits!

What about making a sequel? In the sense of an RPG game, with characters and bosses, opponents and of course with sonic exe.

Как думаете,сделать ли продолжение игры? В смысле рпг игру,с персонажами и боссами,врагам и соником. Как идея?

  3 votes Voting finished

Напишите под этим постом минусы и плюсы игры, а вообще оцените от 1 до 10.

Write under this post the minuses and pluses of the game or rate game from 1 to 10.