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Esparia jest gr膮 RPG w otwartym 艣wiecie inspirowana mechanikami z popularnej gry Gothic. Zostajesz obudzony w ciemnym i mrocznym lesie przez pewn膮 klacz. Prowadzi ci臋 do swojego namiotu i opowiada o sytuacji na 艣wiecie. Dowiadujesz si臋, 偶e na 艣wiecie toczy si臋 wojna pomi臋dzy kucami, a "si艂ami z艂a". Musisz odzyska膰 pami臋膰 i uratowa膰 偶ycia wielu kucy. Zadanie to jednak nie b臋dzie takie proste, poniewa偶 na swojej drodze spotkasz wiele niebezpiecze艅stw, z kt贸rymi b臋dziesz musia艂 walczy膰 sam.
Gra oferuje:
Bogaty otwarty 艣wiat do eksploracji
Fabu艂臋 na 15-20h
Wiele mo偶liwo艣ci rozbudowania swojej postaci
Wiele ciekawych zada艅 i rozbudowanych w膮tk贸w pobocznych
Kowalstwo, alchemi臋, 艂owiectwo, pozyskiwanie surowc贸w i wiele innych umiej臋tno艣ci do nauczenia
A偶 4 drogi fabularne prowadz膮ce fabu艂臋 zupe艂nie inaczej
Gildie dodatkowe odblokowuj膮ce du偶o r贸偶nych benefit贸w jak r贸偶ne bronie czy umiej臋tno艣ci
Trudne wybory z przer贸偶nymi konsekwencjami
Esparia is an open-world RPG inspired by the mechanics of the popular game Gothic. You are awakened in a dark and gloomy forest by a certain mare. She leads you to her tent and tells you about the world situation. You learn that the world is at war between ponies and "evil forces". You must regain your memory and save the lives of many ponies. However, this task will not be that easy, because on your way you will meet many dangers that you will have to fight alone.
The game offers:
A rich open world to explore
Main-story for 15-20h
Many possibilities to build your character
Lots of interesting quests and extensive side stories
Blacksmithing, alchemy, hunting, sourcing resources and many other skills to learn
As many as 4 storylines leading the story in a completely different way
Additional guilds that unlock many different benefits, such as various weapons or skills
Difficult choices with various consequences
Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Alcohol Reference
Drug Reference
Suggestive Themes
Mild Language
Simulated Gambling