Comments (7)

uhh hi
Hey man, i'm practically bored, can i make a thumbnail for this? xD
hmm pretty cool.
Five Nights at F*ckboy's: Plushtrap's Misadventure: Halloween demo
Happy Halloween
Five Nights at F***boy's Plushtrap's Misadventure follows Plushtrap in his quest to reclaimed his own hallway back from

During a normal night at F***boy's House, a strange occorunce takes place, placing a closet in one of the spare bedroom of the house. However, this closet, somehow, doubles as a new entrance to the Pizza Realm, with the funtime gang stepping out of the same. While trying to assess their surrounding, they are ambushed, and end up f***ing dead... or are they?
Plushtrap, waking up because of the commotion, attempts to fight the intruder, but f***ing fails and is thrown outside of his hallway, locking down the same with a metal door.
Now, fuelled mainly by revenge, Plushtrap must now not only unlock his hallway, but beat the everloving sh*t out of the intruder. But is there something more sinister going on behind the scenes?

A somewhat new story with a final villain that isn't the enragement child;
Funnys (i think);
Plushtrap (i know, i am surprised he is apart of this project too!);
1 Optional Boss per "Act" (which may or may not unlock a superboss, who knows);
And much more!

This game was once a prequel/spin-off of W. Bonnie’s Travels Through Time, which was planned to be cancel, but after the community’s choice, it is now its own game, with a changed ending, so that it won’t spoiled the ending of Withered Bonnie’s adventure.

Game by: @BlueLockbird
Custom Iconset Icons by: @DdG2
GameJolt Thumbnail by: @Sftn_n
"Engine" put together by: @TeamDarkpatrol
Five Nights at F***boy's by Sable Katmai & Joshua Shaw
Five Nights at Freddy's by Scott Cawthon

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Alcohol Reference
Drug Reference
Strong Language
Mature Humor