
Comments (5)

What do you think?

hi, big thx for the game. greetings from rosti


the cameras is just an eyesore and the jumpscares are cheap. it keeps the roblox aesthetic, atleast.


Five nights at Guest's 1

Version: 0.2.2almost 5 years ago

Game Soundtrack

1 song


Welcome to Guest's pizza world!

Bringing fresh pizza and joy round the corner! We are hiring a night guard to stay at the pizzeria and guard expensive equipment. To apply, please contact #####(@)Bloxmail(.)com

Inspired by fnaf and roblox!

Created with Clickteam fusion 2.5 Standard edition free version until 1st june. #stuckinside

This is my first proper game out of roblox and would appreciate any feedback and love, I am hoping to buy Clickteam if this goes well and continue with the series!

#MadeWithFusion #fangame #horror #fnaf #strategy #fnaf

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence

I must say that with roblox studio this wont be god tier level. Ill learn blender for the next one, dont worry! also will include roblox characters.

they are very near..

If anyone wants to do a trailer for this game to save time then go ahead, ill pick the best one.

I am starting to realise I have not alot of time left to complete this. from now on I think I cant resist but finish the game before the end of the month.

The official hashtag of this game is here #FiveNightsAtGuests