Comments (9)
Does this game hold up? And by that i mean "does it fcking suck?"
I can't progress in any battles. When I attack, the battle just stops but the music is still playing. What gives?
In the finale expasion,i am stuck at the middle piece,the one thats different from the word toss. I swear,i have searched fcking everywhere and i cant find it. Can you tell me at what floor it is or just the puzzle outright?
i love when freddy said its freddy time and freddy all over the fnafb
FNaFB : Golden Freddy's Debauchery Simulator 1986 Kamoc Edit
After the events of FNaFB3, Golden Freddy and Springtrap are both dead and have gone to the Frooby Zone. The place animatronics go instead of hell when dying, and get to play board and card games for the rest of time with the one and only Frooby Fuzburt. But being dead is boring (by that I mean it f---ing sucks) so Golden Freddy strikes up a deal with Frooby to have his dead ass brought back to life. The only catch is he has to be sent back to a year where his existance wouldn't fuck up the timeline. The year the timeline had forgotten, 1986! So Golden Freddy, now freshly unkilled and in the new and improved Freddy's Fazbear's Fine Dining and Pizza, decides that the only course of action is a week of debauchery to celebrate this new life. D-cks will be yiffed.
Orginal Game https://gamejolt.com/games/golden-freddy-s-debauchery-simulator-1986/82065 by @RegretTourmaline