
Gull Island
PLEASE KEEP IN MIND: This is a very small experiment in its very early stages. Please dont expect anything!
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GULL ISLAND is a very small “Cross-like” browser game project made by one guy. The idea is to make the game as accessible as possible and to challenge myself to create a WebGL game using minimal ressources. There is not much to do currently but you can have a chat with the gulls and take a walk on the beach!
You can collect some Shells as well but your inventory wont save just yet!
The game is using real world time so if you are playing at night, it will be night on the Island. If you play at day, it will be day! The enviroment and characters will react to the time of day.
Weather is globally synced so you and your friends all around the globe will have the same sunny or rainy weather when playing the game!