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Gupporu's Pro-lug
Gupporu's Pro-lug is the prolog to the epic cronicals of Gupporu, the most amazing internet persona made real game protagonist made bad anime porn actor. the game is a simple doge the thing for as long as you can game.
space:(when active) shoot goldengun
story: Gupporu was an internet persona made by a super lonely /b/tar weeb, and is just as and even more so sad, but not a weeb. but, one day, the dude died, but his internet persona lived on as a self aware digital being, who spends his day browsing memes and porn on 4 chan. everything was good until the virus came. the virus was originally made to attack and shut down 4chan and was engineer by the feminize regime, but like all things it went horribly wrong and started eating everything. its up to Gupporu to save 4chan, the entire internet, ant the world with the magic firewall of trool, the most powerful weapon known to cuckind. and so begins the magical adventure of Gupporu the internet wizard toad