
Comments (35)

What do you think?

It seems this will make a return

Can i be a VA?

Discord: Ofc_Sim_Naum

this game is in desperate need of a page overhaul


Saw the 3 jumpscares you sent in the server and I have a feeling I would freak out at them while playing so good job with the 3 jumpscares


Five nights at Wario's: Diner's Return April Fool's Demo

Version: 0.1.1almost 3 years ago
this is a late April fools' demo that released April 2nd


"There once was a man named wario..."

....Yeah how many times have you heard that before?

You are a man named Thomas, you worked as a nightgaurd at WarioWare Inc, where you met Wario and friends, however, you still need money, and the last job wasn't really cutting it due to the obvious problem of vengeful ghosts so you decide to work at the recently reopened diner, what can go wrong?

People who helped:

@achkids123: Phone guy, ideas for a bunch of character's mechanics, beta tester, and made the trailer for the first Five Nights at Wario's fangame direct

@TheToastBunny_Productions : The jumpscares and character renders (all of them)

@TylerTheGamer68 : WarioWare mode phone guy

@NutelGame : Beta tester

@SuperEggGaming : Providing Room images

Music Used:

??? - ???


#fangame #fnaf #horror

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence

Factory mode and standard mode (for real this time) are now done, now I need to work on the escape, tapes, night P(each), and also adding some music

Bad news, the game's canceled

(Press read more for more information)

I'm sorry I haven't been really been working on the game much, but here's a meme I made, please laugh, this took me a good amount of time to make, I'm also working on another project (Mario gets Princess Peach's Jewelry + bowser's fury XL DLX 4: IAT DC)

Shoutout to @TheToastBunny_Productions (gamejolt) / PppPenny the Replicator (discord) for giving me jumpscares, I can't thank him enough for the jumpscares he's made (jumpscares seen above + him giving the Demon Wario jumpscare to me once again, thanks)

Entity Log 3: hole lot of nothing

"More research has been done, the red plumber goes in holes and is detered by music meanwhile the legless one seemingly goes away when you aren't in the same room with it, Christopher out"

"these cameras are old, they should fix this static"

New lounge provided by "Idk an original meme"

Entity log 2: spider virus

"Did more research, like his brother, the spider goes right and you got to turn the light off, but the green man turns into a virus ad, and certain loud noises annoy it, Christopher out"

Entity log 1: The beauty and the beast

"After observing their behavior, I've figured their behaviors out. The one with the big jaw goes to the left, he can not see in the dark and The Princess also goes left but she doesn't like music, Cristopher out"

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There once was a man named Waluigi...