Comments (8)
95/100 GREAT
Now that was hard but loved all of it.
YouTuber: Fellowplayer
InsanitySouls 1
It is recommended to use a controller even though it is perfectly playable with keyboard and mouse
Genre: Souls Like/Horror/Action
Duration: 2 Hours Approx.
WASD/Left Stick : Move
C/Y : Crouch
Shift/L3 : Correct
Space/X : Jump
E/A : Use/Interact
Alt/B : Dodge
Rightclick/L1 : Use mobile
Left Click/R1 :Attack
F/R2 : Strong Attack
Q/L2 : Take Pickup Equipped
Tab/Select: Menu
Middle wheel of the mouse / R3 : Focus enemy
A girl apparently alone with her parents at home, but something strange happens to her parents, Abigail has schizophrenia and sometimes doubts if what she feels within her environment is real, but one day someone comes and the nightmares will become real.
Se recomienda usar mando aun que es perfectamente jugable con teclado y raton
Genero: Souls Like/Terror/Accion
Duration: 2 Horas Aprox
WASD/Joystick Izquierdo : Moverse
C/Y : Agacharse
Shift/L3 : Correr
Espacio/X : Saltar
E/A : Usar/Interactuar
Alt/B : Esquivar
ClickDerecho/L1 : Usar movil
ClickIzquierdo/R1 :Ataque
F/R2 : Ataque Fuerte
Q/L2 : Tomar pastilla equipada
Tab/Select : Menu
Rueda central de el raton/R3 : Enfocar enemigo
Una niña aparentemente sola con sus padres en casa,pero algo extraño les ocurre a sus padres,Abigail tiene esquizofrenia y duda si lo que siente dentro de su entorno es real aveces,pero un dia llega alguien y las pesadillas se volveran reales
Jacob Lizotte
Jason Graves