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Game Soundtrack

43 songs

FNaJJ's 10: FS Main Menu Music #1

Five Nights at Jax Justun's 10: Flainthrower's Strikeout


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First Part of Story Typed on: 09/24/2023

Chapter One: A Dark Age of Time!!

Our story begins all the way back on 459 AD, it was the most darkest and most hellish moment for our beloved parody-ed ancestors fighting off against from those dangerous creatures called "Dragons". Right after the dinosaurs had roamed the earth, the Alien Monster-noids were taking over the universe in some kind of stranger way. Since that aftermath had happened, our world was then ruled by of course by those mythical-like creatures called "Dragons"!!! Many homes were burned down to the ground. Many people were becoming poor and lots of businesses were shutting down for good.

If it wasn't for this dragon named "Flainthrower", everything won't become a huge shitty land full of destruction and death. After all of that, Flainthrower was then having an argument with his older brother Flamzer. Flainthrower had told Flamzer that all he had ever wanted was to create a new and much nicer land if the dinosaurs were ever coming back soon. But due to some horrible decisions and some dumb mistakes that Flainthrower has created, he would then seperate himself from his family and his BFF Flamzer so he could one day pay of what the humans had done his kind and his future goals and challenges!!

Chapter Two: Living in the 1980s as Freak Shows

Many centuries had past and it was now the 1980s!!! However, April 21st, 1980 was NOT a day for having fun at school. Instead it was the day that a 117 year old male student named "Jazzy Heiste" has died by suicide. April 21st was a cold night and Jazzy was ready for becoming a senior at "Jerllet Bix High School". But sadly though, after what he had heard about his other brothers named Cassidy and Azhaerra, Jazzy would NOT believe that his future will be ruled by some damn spirits that would haunt his dreams FOREVER AND EVER!! So, because of that Jazzy Heiste then died from suicide from crushing himself inside of a crushing machine.

When the doctors had came, it was too late!! His older brother named "Jazminne H. Heiste" was only 115 years as from being a Sophomore at the time when his younger brother died right in front of his eyes. Jazminne told his other brothers and sisters that Jazzy wanted to become an FBI agent or a Fireman to help people's lives from danger!! But thanks to Jazzy's death, he'll never see his brother land his dreams and he'll also never see his brother from becoming the next school-class president for his senior year. May 18th, 1981 was supposed to be his graduation day, instead it was his funeral day!!

After Jazminne's H. Heiste's 10th grade year of high school was over, he would then decided to attend the teen program during the summertime because he wanted to do same things as what his younger brother would've been doing. Jazminne's life was becoming a success like his younger brother's one!! It was then August 3rd, 1980, and Jazminne's ready from becoming the most famous junior student of all time at "Jerllet Bix High School". Unfortunately, Jazminne had ran into some slip-ups during his first day back of high school. Although, he loved his seven period classes, the number one being graphic designing, but he had also hated on his new care quarterntor. She was a bitch as what Jazminne told himself in front of her.

Chapter Three: Jazminne H. Heiste's Backstory from Best to worst!!!

But for some reason or another, his care quarternator didn't even mind. Because she was still recovering from his younger brother's suicidal death. Anyways, all that acide, Jazminne was having the best time of his life. He was crowned homecoming king for his Class of 1982, he had date with his new girlfriend named "Flawnzzee Degowers", he made cards for the new freshmen, and he was gifted to have the "Ruby Key of Jerllet Bix City"!! Since Halloween came around the corner, he created a float filled with dinosaurs and dragons based on those past events that had happened years ago!!

The Principal and VP of Jerllet Bix High School had loved his float!! The Jerllet Bix High Halloween Parade Festival was a success!!! During December however, it wasn't doing great for our beloved Jazminne. It wasn't the events though, it was about COLLEGE!! Ever since Jazzy Heiste had died from his dad's old crushing machine, Jazminne H. Heiste was still having scars crawling all over him. His doctors had found out that he was diagnosed with PDHD, ADHD, and Nightmare disorder, also known as "parasomnia". Thankfully though, Jazminne had some good caring from his doctors, therapists, and psychologists. Anyways, it was now February 14th, 1981, just months before his younger brother's funeral!! Jazminne was making some new friends and was creating a foundation with his family on making more money to spread awareness on suicide!!

Unfortunately, one student at Jerllet Bix High School did NOT like Jazminne's ideas. Her name was "Flurrla Roundheart" and she was a sophomore at Jerllet Bix High School. She was also the bully and main school leader of Jerllet Bix High School. Days later on February 19th, 1981, Flurrla would then come to the high school and stabbed both the principal and VP during Jazminne's 116 birthday!! After that, Flurrla would then get arrested for manslaughter and was sent to prison for only 13 years!! But after that, Jazminne still had his other events. Like his Junior prom, his field trips and his younger brother's graduation party!!

Jazminne H. Heiste had a wonderful time during his junior year at Jerllet Bix High School!! During the summertime, on June 14th, 1981, Jazminne had decided to go to college at "Dentley University" and wanted to make plans of becoming a history teacher for getting a degree on political science. But since it was a chore to do, he then decided to become a therapist at "Dentley University" because he wants to do the same things as what Jazzy would had done.

Chapter Four: Jazminne H. Heiste's Senior Year Becomes a Massive Flop

It was now August 4th, 1981, and Jazminne was having the best times of his life. He was getting all As in all of his classes, he became the senior homecoming king of the Class of 1982 and his senior winter ball was also a success as well!! That was because it was held at "Jubblig Church Complex" and it was run by Jazminne's grandfather "Jubblig H. Heiste"!! Jazminne H. Heiste had everything going for him, until on a dark winter night on December 17th, 1981, Jazminne was called by his high school that his care quarternator had died by suicide!! She was only 64 years old!! Jazminne went to her funeral and it turned out pretty great for him!!

Anyways, it was now January 5th, 1982, and Jazminne's younger sister and brother "Brody C. Heiste" and "Devine M. Heiste" were moving in for today because it was the year for Jazminne to graduate!! Also, more about Brody and Devine later. Anyways, while Brody and Devine were buying things for Jazminne's graduation moments, Jazminne was having so much fun during his senior year at Jerllet Bix High School. To his senior prom, his field trips, his senior sneak-off and of course his senior lua!! Things were looking out for him!! It was now, May 20th, 1982, it was the day that Jazminne H. Heiste will finally graduate high school and head off to college!! Jazminne had everything for himself!! But unfortunately, during a saturday night on June 12th, 1982. All fucking hell had broken loose out of nowhere!!

While everyone's sleeping in their beds, Jazminne was secretly been still having his mental problems since his FRESHMAN YEAR!! That single day, he found something called "Adminn Gel AV-1", an Advil PM Liquid-Gel-like GEL that might kill you at an instant!! It was only for pests only. So, on June 12th, 1982, he then drank the whole bottle and then went to his bed!! The next day on June 13th, 1982, Jazminne H. Heiste would then found dead in his bed!! His sister Bordy and his brother Devine couldn't believe in their eyes!! His family and the police had found out that Jazminne H. Heiste had died by suicide!! Only at the age of 118, he died just months before starting his college and career path of becoming a therapist!! But, tomorrow's another day right?! RIGHT?!?!!

--End of 1st part of story

Second Part of Story Typed on: 09/25/2023

Chapter Five: Brody C. Heiste's for a New Living

Years had past and Brody and Devine are still having scars left over from Jazminne's suicidal death!! It was now the 1990s and Brody C. Heiste is getting ready for her freshman year at her high school called "Killetta High School"!! It was August 5th, 1990, and Brody is trying her best to do the goals as what Jazminne would've had accomplished during his adulthood days at college. Brody was her Class of 1994!!

Her graduation ceremony will be held on May 21st, 1994!! Anyways, I'm getting ahead of myself. Now then, Brody C. Heiste was having a bit of trouble fitting in at Killetta High School. Not as worse then Cassidy's though, but a lot lesser then Jazminne's. Brody was being picked a lot due to her first name, she was getting many Bs and Cs in her seven classes and she was also being hated on the principal and Vice Principal!! Thankfully though, both of the Principal and VP had been retired and both were barred from Killetta High School. That however didn't help Brody though because she would then went crazy and started to destroy the high school.

Thankfully though, Devine M. Heiste was there at the high school too!! He was a 10th grader at Killetta High School. During the winter break, Devine would then teach her younger sister Brody to learn how to meditate when getting stressed out!! The reason why Devine's doing this to Brody was because Devine M. Heiste was into meditating!!! And that's why Devine wanted to become a meditator when going to "Meditation Public College"!!

Anyways, it was now the next year and on August 3rd, 1991, Brody was even more better than before!! She started to do things even more better like her older brother Devine. She started to create things. Like statues, blueprints, and action figures!! She even went on the Track and Field Team for the T&F team for Killetta High School. She'd also dreamt of becoming a business girl and millionaire!! That's why Brody C. Heiste wants to go to "Hibbertea University" and become a marketer and a business person. Anyways, Brody's 10th grade year was better then her freshman year!! She joined the dance club, become part of the tennis squad and even joined some events as well!! Like her homecoming assembly and dance, the winter ball and traveled all over the world with the Killetta High School's female volleyball team!!

Chapter Six: A Future Dreamer that Faded WAY too sooner

It was now 1992, and Brody C. Heiste had done lots of things. Well, you know what I mean. Prom, field trips, parties, you name them!! However, during the summer of 1992, things were different for Brody. She started to have dark thoughts and would not listen to both of her mom and father!! Then on June 15th, 1992, Brody's parents were then both died at the age of 54 due to an overdose on drugs!! Then on July 13th, 1992, Brody C. Heiste was then taken to the hospital!! Her docs had found out that she was diagnosed with Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD), social phobia, and generalized anxiety disorder!!!

Thankfully though, her doctors had done well things for her. And thank god that her junior year was alright!! August 2nd, 1992 was Brody's first day at Killetta High School of becoming an 11th grader!! Since then, Brody had decided to become only a marketer instead because it suited a bit more better for her. SHe would also attend a different college instead. It was "Pillaperd Bee University"!! Anyways, during Brody's Junior year she would become the Class Year president of her class of 1994 and would then become a girl's volleyball champion of Killetta High School.

However during those moments in 1992, Brody was actually thinking about not to grow up!! All because she wanted to join the demons in HELL and would become part of Brody's dead siblings. This started to let Brody having mental health issues so secretly. All of this was mainly from having fights with her care quarternator. Mainly because he was strict and everything. This is also why she didn't go to her meetings because she hated her care quarternator and was too busy with her plans on college and even her volleyball events!! Because of that, her uncle "Fadderley C. Heiste" needed to make changes on her schedule!!

Anyways, that made Brody more happy inside and she would then become homecoming queen of Killetta High School of 1994!! Next year was 1993 and Brody had so much fun during her events. Like her Girl's Volleyball finale gig, her Junior Prom and even Devine M. Heiste's graduation party!! But still deep inside, Brody was still struggling with her depressioness!! And her Senior Year at Killetta High School was months away. Roughly on August 9th, 1993 and her graduation was on May 23rd, 1994. Anyways, around in June through July, Brody C. Heiste then was struggling with many mental health problems!! It was now, August 1st, 1993, Brody C. Heiste would kiss his brother Devine M. Heiste goodbye and she'll be ready for her senior year in fucking HELL!!!

Because on the day at 6:09 AM on August 2nd, 1993, Brody C. Heiste would then end her own life just SEVEN days for her senior year at Killetta High School. On that day, Brody C. Heiste had died from suicide from stabbing herself instantly on her forehead with a screwdriver!! Long story about that moment of time. And because she had died, her dreams would then faded too soon!! And because of that, all hell broke loose at Killetta High School!!! August 9th, 1993 was a freaking hellhole in a half for Killetta High School. All Homecoming events were canceled, winter ball was also been canceled, and May 23rd, 1994 will be day for Brody C. Heiste's funeral!! And of course on August 2nd, 1993, at just only at the age of 117, Brody C. Heiste had died by suicide!! But at least Devine M. Heiste had survived. But more on him next time.

Chapter Seven: Strange Creatures Occurred!!!

Just a month after the shooting at that real-life high school, on May 27, 1999 was about everything Alien Monster-noids. Many news channels had been told everybody that many weird figures were lurking around many high schools. The people of Jax Justun Studios had called those Alien Monster-noids as The Commmercialer Learnnier, Hooptownian Hooptia Glueteeenieya “Herrowen Brody Hassidy” and many more!!!

Around in 1999 through 2001, many high schools where those things were lurking around had to be on lockdown because of it!! Earlier on, many high schools were then caught on fire!! Killetta High School was the first one to go on October 13th, 1999!! Then on April 20th, 2000, "Jaxx-Lett High School" was the next one and onwards!! 1999 - 2001 were just the worst years of all time!! As for Devine M. Heiste, his life was only one that had survived with his remaining family members!! But he also lost many more friends as well!! But that's for another story. Because we would then go towards the present moment. Roughly on October 1st, 2022!!!

--End of 2nd Part of Story

Third Part of Story Typed on: 09/27/2023

Chapter Eight: The First Day of October!!

It has been nearly like TWO WHOLE MONTHS since both of Cassidy and Azhaerra's evilness was over and done with. And Ian was still recovering himself from all of the dangerousness that he was living in. Even if he was proud from his parody-like friends, he was still struggling with his mental illness. Meanwhile back at Lord Snakehead's high school, he'd seen that there was a secret area that he was using for making his dino-like experiments!! Those were the opposite versions of his dinosaur army!!

Lord Snakehead had needed to make them because he wanted his army to become more stronger and more SMARTER than never before!! Among that army were opposite versions of Mr. Indoraptor, Mr. Rex, and Mr. Carnotaur!! With new ones included!! Their names are Lord Rex, Lord Carnataur, and Lord Indoraptor!!! The way how Lord Snakehead and Blitzo had found ways to bring them back to life was from secret crystals that were found by this man named "Jack Macbragger"!!!

Chapter Nine: Jack Macbragger the Genius Behind a Themed Park!!!

Many years ago, during a vicious attack by the dinosaurs, a guy named by Jack Macbragger wanted to create something like a theme park for real-life dinosaurs to live in. In September 27th, 1989, thanks to a partnership with both Jax Justun Studios and Ciratea Crittea "Ciratea A. H. "Annineeta Hendreen" Crittea", Mr. Macbragger's dinosaur theme park was born. It was known to be as "Jurrassic World Park Studios", named after the defunct studios called "Jurassic Park Studios" that went bankrupt on October 1st, 1978.

Over these past decades, Jack Macbragger's dinosaur park would then shut down for good on October 14th, 2021!! Not because of COVID restrictions, because of copyright reasons and lawsuits!! Blitzo, Lord Snakehead, Mr. Indoraptor and everyone else from Ian's parody-like mind wanted to bring back Jack's Dino Park back to life. But they needed someone more powerful to help out this newest suragge!! His name was of course "Flainthrower"!! Flamzer's crazy older older younger brother!!

For almost centuries ago, Flainthrower was being kept inside of the same prison cell with Flamzer because of some violent threats and everything!! And now that he's back from the dead, no one can stop those parody villains now!! To add more chaos, were Parker and Cassidy's remains of their long lost dead relatives!! You know what those people are. Anyways, as for Jax Justun, Jax Marble, Mowey Drew and Merry Bratts, they would always be hungry for more night time adventures and everything.

Chapter Ten: Let the Strikeout Begin!!!

It was now October 3rd, 2022, and our four beloved heroes are still finding ways to keep their jobs going!! While Justun, Mowey and Bratts were in their table making food for themselves, Jax Marble was finding commercials so they could find another job to work at. And it was an add for an amazing new attraction. Located where the original place was at!! That ad was all about this new and improve museum called "The Haunted JJS House Museum of Natural History"!!!

Jax Marble was surprised!! His three buddies were also surprised!! However, they didn't even realise that commercial that Marble had watched was being announced by Jack Macbragger himself!! People had thought that he'd passed away!! Anyways, October 4th, 2022 was the day that newspaper camed in for the long awaited jobs for the The Haunted JJS House Museum of Natural History!!! On the front side from the paper, it had said that FOUR lucky winners will be brave enough for the night job at The Haunted JJS House Museum of Natural History!! It mostly saids about finding tickets located around its website!!

As for what it had said in back side of the paper, there were lots of reading about everything on The Haunted JJS House Museum of Natural History!!! (If you guys want to find that stuff, it'll be located on a separate post on gamejolt on a link!!)

(The Link's down Below to check it out!!! When it's ready to be publish from me on gamejolt of course!!)

Link to Newspaper about "The Haunted JJS House Museum of Natural History": {INCOMING SOON!}

Chapter Eleven: A Strikeout!! You're IN or OUT?!

It was now October 6th, 2022, and our FOUR night guarded heroes are ready for action!! Your guy's job as always is to survive from those good for nothing monsters/animatronics for at least as long as you guys can. Around each night between 11:00 PM through 8:00 AM, you'll all be facing off against many changes and new comers along this crazy journey!! However, after each night comes new possible things to search around the "Unknown Universe of Past and Destruction"!! Also known as just "The Internet Dimension of Secrets"!!!

Not only that, you'll also control other main characters. Such as Ian the Wolf, Moxxie, Octavia, and many more!! You'll also might take control of the main villains as well!! Such as Blitzo, Malak, LED "Lord Ender Dragon", Flainthrower, the dinosaurs and so much more!!!

Well, don't just stand there, make hell all rain above everything!! And when I mean is to survive as long as you can before time runs out!! Anyways, let the #STRIKEOUT begin!!! #other #action #adventure #fangame #horror #fnaf #rpg #arcade #platformer #roguelike #survival #pointnclick #puzzle #shooter #sports #strategy #textadventure #altgame #fnf #LetTheRageReturn #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!

--End of 3rd Part of Story

Intense Cartoon Violence
Intense Fantasy Violence
Intense Realistic Violence
Blood and Gore
Sexual Violence
Alcohol Use
Drug Use
Tobacco Use
Graphic Sexual Themes
Strong Language
Mature Humor

Hey guys, here's the warning labels/messages for this 10th game of the FNatJJ's series!!

Well guys, hope you're all doing well so far!!!! Two weeks in until the end of #JanOf2025, and looks like there's needs of future updates and improvements here folks!!!!!

2022 Parody Cameo Characters #113 & #114 - Jazminne H. Heiste & Jazzy Heiste (AKA: Jazminne’s Younger Brother) - Both From My Singing Monsters (MSM) WHOA!!!! And because of the ends of 2024, we got two more official #ParodyCameoMascots!!!!!!!

2022 Parody Character #109 - Ms. "Little Miss" Cheffinton (Sheffinton) (Created on: Dec. 28th, 2024) Another official parody family member of Mr. Cheffinton has finally been created!!!!! Been awhile as well too on here!!!

2022 Parody Character #100 - Flainthrower (Created on: October 21st, 2024) It's been many months since the last parody mascots of Jax Justun Studios were created!!!! But now at last, he's finally here!!!!!