Comments (2)
instantly added to my favorite once i closed it.
a deceptively simple roguelite with A LOT of passion and soul put into it, and hidden depths, too! the main gameplay is very addicting and fun, running around, killing shadow beasts, crystal elementals, divine beings or butterflies (the last ones are the most dangerous out of all, by the way) that has a lot of unlockable content in it too keep you playing for long periods of time - the difficulty is fair and the fights are MAD fun, especially when bosses enter - my favorite ones are on the mountains of madness, the devils and god himself - they pose a very fun fight that borders on bullet hell at times if you didn't manage to kill 'em all in due time, and it's just glorious to witness!) my favorite character as of now is definitely Ripper - throwing swords around has never been this fun, i tell you) i'm gonna unlock crusher today and i hope he embodies the primordial, berserkerish rage that i feel emanating from him.
one of my favorite aspects of the game is its lore, hidden away behind simple descriptions - you can piece this iconoclastic saga like a puzzle through the character relations to maps and such - for what appears to be such a simple game it has a lot of stuff to it, and i love it!) i also adore the pixel art graphics - they're pretty simplistic but they also look better and better as you progress, i especially liked how you drew the crystal enemies in the cave, they look lovely!) and Ripper's animations look so smooth, too - you got some talent, Agustin!
all in all, this was a joy to play - i'll definitely keep this on my pc to venture forth from time to time and try to unlock everything the game has - the cards especially sound draconic in difficulty but that just rouses my spirit even more)))) i'll also recommend this game to any roguelike/roguelite fans i know and i hope they play it and witness it's mad fun, too) and, on a final note - if this game was on steam and for a price, i'd buy it. instantly. that's all)
A Rogue-Lite, Bullet hell-Bullet heaven game. Kill enemies, Die, Get Stronger and Kill more Enemies
please report bugs in my mail: [email protected]
-English and Spanish Language
-7 Characters
-7 Maps
-3 Game Modes
-28 Power Ups
-12 Relics
-6 Cards
-16 Mutifications/Modifications
-15 Original Tracks of Music
-Experience and Level Up System
-Luck System
#rpg #roguelike #action #survival #pixelart #roguelite #unity #2d
Mild Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed