Comments (10)
Major update,but still the game is really good and also the new character really cute...and don't think the other way UwU....keep up the great work...can't wait to see the final and how it end
OK so far im at the ghost lady. i have a few tips for you i liked the world i could explore the story scattered threw the past thoughts and records left for us. i love your art style and how the girls have the perfect hourglass look and i love how big their boobs are anyone tell you otherwise their wrong. the game is underrated in my opinion but if you were on newgrounds id have to give you a 3.5 stars because i don't like having to search an area looking for a key then having to run all the way back to the fire to recharge because im under consent bombardment and im level 1 and not getting stronger any time soon and the missing as often as i do just makes me go HOW DO YOU MISS THIS MUCH WITH A SWORD!?
finally i don't like the boss this is what NOT to do this is a turned base game and if im 1 person having the boss attack 2s alone is unfair that's like going 2s in chest that is a drastic change. then add 2 more foes to it? are you kidding? not only is the damage ridicules but they don't die they don't die at all ya that's fair lets make them do loads of damage no healing for the player outside of skills and then give the boss 2 turns to damage them then add another 2 more things to kill them in total 4 turns and the player regularly misses. :P ya idk what you were thinking but no offense don't drink and program thank you. 1 turn at a time please and play test your stuff so you know how hard it is or how ridicules it is.
atmosphere was amazing i was expecting enamys or guard or something but it was empty and it made me think i was gonna get chased but still nothing then im like oh that reaper looking guy will kill me but i haven't saved so exhausting just about all my options and finding a save i go back and go oh this is ware im supost to have my crystals so it made me search everything great work.
so far ok game excellent world excellent hot characters great art style and i haven't tried the nude mode but keep it in the main game seems like a fun challenge. but for the love of god if you want me to search an area and have enamys don't do the Pokemon spawn rate and have me miss on a regular biases or have a boss like that. DX i just want the key to get my friend and leave. :D then get naked.
Screw it, I'll just ask. Please don't take this the wrong way but, why do you make your ladies so... Big? Again, don't get me wrong, I like the worlds you make, it's just that it weirds me out a little x_x (I'm a bit of a puritan) Good luck on your project
Well, finally got around the demo (yes, I procrastinate to an unhealthy point). I'm glad you've finally got rid of the old leveling up system, it was just not worth to fight if you got no exp from it. On other hand, I've experiencing lag during the game, maybe it's just my wooden computer but still, I'm letting you know. Again, good luck with the project
Is there any chance of there being a mobile release?
Lost Soul [MV DEMO]
A world that have gone to hell, you; a Soulless one, along with the remaining survivors must fight for survival and restore the empire from the otherworldly invaders known as the Prometheans, the zealous church and their human extremists cause and the power hungry Youkai clans that wishes to eradicate all humanity and those that stands by their side.
Things ain't going to be easy that for sure.
Main character:
Lunei the Werewolf
Genkan the Yuki-onna
Side character:
Yurei the ghost
Lapis the Earth spirit
Promethean; an otherworldly beings that corrupt anything they touches into horrible abominations and other undiscovered horrors. Their quest to take back what was theirs have also brought untold amount of horrors from different worlds and now lay havoc across Ebb. Their sole purpose is to take every world they come across and won't stop at nothing until it is theirs.
Church of Avreich; a church founded by one purpose to unite humanity toward a noble goal of peace and unity. However, as centuries went by after the founding of the church many within became more corrupted and began to view non humans a mistake and unworthy to share the same world they live in, believes humanity is the only worthy creatures to rule their world. The only reason they haven't started a genocide campaign is due to the Empire keeping them in check. But now that the Empire have been brought down by the invaders, the Church and their paladins are allowed to do whatever they want without the Empire keeping them in line.
Occult Alliance; an alliance of many different sub species of Youkai that have banded together to be rid off Humanity and those that stand with them. They believe the World of Ebb was supposed to be theirs and not for Humanity to rule, thus they took the chance after the Promethean invasion began and attack any human settlements and their allies. They won't stop at nothing until Humanity are gone.
This is a demo and a remake of my previous Lost soul game where I used the RPG maker VX as the main engine for the game until I found RPG maker MV that made everything a whole lot easier to use and learn more about the uses of Plugins, to make my game look more awesome than generic and plain.
The difference between this game from the older one is that there are two main character for you to choose and they can talk, no longer going by the silent protagonist stereotype. There are also other characters that can tag along through your journey and they all can help you in certain situation such as; open blocked area, convinced people to not fight or join you, having certain elemental powers to use against enemies weaknesses.
There will be more added in during further development and I will try update the progress of the game whenever I can, 'cause I just finished the demo section and still have the beginning area to continue to work on.
Anyway, this is Ultrazeta120 signing off~