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Three weeks after Thanos used the Infinity Gauntlet to disintegrate half of all life in the universe, Carol Danvers rescues Tony Stark and Nebula from deep space and returns them to Earth. They reunite with the remaining Avengers—Bruce Banner, Steve Rogers, Rocket, Thor, Natasha Romanoff, and James Rhodes—and use Nebula's knowledge to find and ambush Thanos. They plan on retaking the Infinity Stones and using them to reverse the disintegrations, but Thanos reveals he has already destroyed them to prevent further use. An enraged Thor decapitates Thanos.

Five years later, Scott Lang escapes from the quantum realm. He travels to the Avengers' compound, where he explains to Romanoff and Rogers that he experienced only five hours while trapped. Theorizing that the quantum realm could allow time travel, the three ask Stark to help them retrieve the Stones from the past to reverse Thanos' actions in the present, but Stark refuses to help out of fear of losing his daughter, Morgan. After talking with his wife Pepper Potts, Stark relents and he and Banner–who has since merged his intelligence with the Hulk's strength and body–successfully build a time machine. Banner warns that changing the past does not affect their present, and that any changes instead create branched alternate realities. He and Rocket go to New Asgard, the Asgardian refugees' new home in Norway, to recruit Thor, now an overweight alcoholic despondent over his failure to stop Thanos. In Tokyo, Romanoff recruits Clint Barton, now a ruthless vigilante following the disintegration of his family.

Banner, Lang, Rogers, and Stark travel to New York City in 2012. Rogers successfully retrieves the Mind Stone, but Stark and Lang's interference inadvertently allows 2012 Loki to escape with the Space Stone. Rogers and Stark travel to S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters in 1970. Stark obtains an earlier version of the Space Stone, encountering his father, Howard, in the process, while Rogers steals several Pym Particles from Hank Pym to return to the present. Rocket and Thor travel to Asgard in 2013. They extract the Reality Stone from Jane Foster and retrieve Thor's hammer, Mjolnir. Nebula and Rhodes travel to Morag in 2014 and steal the Power Stone before Peter Quill can. Rhodes returns to the present with the Power Stone, but Nebula is incapacitated when her cybernetic implants link with those of her past self. Through this connection, 2014 Thanos learns of his future success and the Avengers' attempts to undo it. Thanos captures present-Nebula and sends past-Nebula to the present day disguised as her future self. Barton and Romanoff travel to Vormir, where the Soul Stone's keeper, the Red Skull, reveals it can only be acquired by sacrificing someone they love. Romanoff sacrifices herself, allowing Barton to obtain the Soul Stone.

Reuniting in the present, the Avengers fit the Stones into a Stark-created gauntlet, which Banner uses to resurrect all those whom Thanos had disintegrated. Past-Nebula uses the time machine to transport past Thanos and his warship to the present where he attacks the Avengers' compound, planning to completely wipe out and then rebuild the universe with the Stones. Nebula convinces past-Gamora to betray Thanos, and kills her past self. Stark, Rogers, and Thor battle Thanos but are outmatched. A restored Stephen Strange arrives with other Masters of Mystic Arts, the restored Avengers and Guardians of the Galaxy, as well as the armies of Wakanda, Asgard, and the Ravagers to fight Thanos and his army alongside Danvers, who destroys Thanos' warship as she arrives. After overpowering the heroes, Thanos seizes the gauntlet, but Stark steals the Stones and uses them to disintegrate Thanos and his army, dying from the energy emitted in the process.

Following Stark's funeral, Thor appoints Valkyrie as the ruler of New Asgard and joins the Guardians of the Galaxy while Quill searches for 2014 Gamora. Rogers returns the Infinity Stones to their original places in time, and remains in the past to live with Peggy Carter. In the present, an elderly Rogers passes on his shield and mantle to Sam Wilson.


Thanos and his children arrive to Asgard where they attack the survivors of Thor: Ragnarok, who are on their ship. On the planet, Thanos orders Loki to give him the Tesseract, an Infinity Stone, or else he will kill Loki's brother Thor. At first Loki allows Thanos to kill Thor, but pauses it before his brother could be killed and gives Thanos the Tesseract. As Thanos is given it, Loki is assisted by the Hulk who at first beats Thanos but is defeated. Then Loki himself attempts to defeat Thanos but is killed by the Mad Titan. After this, Thanos acquires the Tesseract's Space Stone and then Heimdall uses the Bifrost to teleport Hulk to Earth before being killed. Thanos leaves Asgard and Hulk crashes down to his home planet Earth in Sanctum Sanctorum, New York where he transforms back into Bruce Banner. There, he is found by Doctor Strange and Wong and tells them that Thanos is coming. Meanwhile, Tony Stark tells Pepper Pott she had a dream where they had a son named Morgan after Pepper's uncle. However, they are interrupted by Strange who arrives to recruit Stark; and though he refuses at first, Banner comes along and convinces his old friend to tag and then arrives two of Thanos' children- Ebony Maw and Cull Obsidian- who arrived to get the Time Stone from Strange, which has the heroes ready with Stark changing into Iron Man, and attempts to have Banner to transform into the Hulk but is unable to. Meanwhile during the battle, Peter Parker witnesses the event and the villains' ship, needing to help the heroes as Spider-Man. He then has his friend Ned Leeds distract everyone on the bus by showing them the spaceship while Parker sticks out of the bus and suits up, joining the battle. Stark orders Parker to save Strange, but fails ending up in Strange being captured by Maw as Wong teleports Obsidian away from the location. Parker flies with his spider-webs onto the ship but loses oxygen and fails to breath until Stark saves him by putting on him the Iron-Spider Armor, which is made up of nanotech like Stark's own nanotech-based armor and they sneak into the ship. Banner and Wong are still in the Sanctum, where Wong remains to guard it while Banner contacts Steve Rogers. Stark and Parker rescue Strange while also throwing Maw to outside of the ship, freezing and killing him.

In Scotland, Wanda Maximoff and Vision are attacked by other children of Thanos, Proxima Midnight and Corvus Glaive, to remove the Mind Stone that gives Vision life. However, soon comes Steve Rogers, having returned as Captain America. He has arrived with Sam Wilson and Natasha Romanoff as a bigger battle ensues. At the Avengers headquarters, James Rhodes has a conversation with General Ross discussing the Civil War that previously happened, before Rhodes meets with Banner, Rogers, Maximoff, Vision, Romanoff, and Wilson. While they talk about the team coming back together, they tell Clint Barton/Hawkeye and Scott Lang/Ant-Man are both under house arrest. Vision suggests that Maximoff should destroy the Mind Stone to stop Thanos, and Rogers believes that Wakanda has the resources to do so without killing Vision.

The Guardians of the Galaxy are travelling in outer space where they respond to a distress signal while they find Thor, thrown out of Asgard, fallen on their ship. They put him into their ship where they awake him, and Thor discovers Thanos' plan while he,the Guardians' commander, Rocket Raccoon, and Groot head to a planet to find resources to create new weapons to defeat Thanos, with Thor creating an axe called Stormbreaker. The other Guardians discover that the Reality Stone is in possession of the Collector on Knowhere. Peter Quill, Gamora, Drax, and Mantis arrive there and find Thanos confronting the Collector and asking him the location of the Stone, though the Collector claims he sold it. The Guardians show themselves and Gamora remembers when Thanos adopted her as his daughter as she was given a blade in which now in the present she uses to apparently kill Thanos, but is revealed that Thanos created the illusion before kidnapping Gamora and preventing Quill's attack. Thanos shows Gamora's adoptive sister, Nebula, being tortured and Gamora gives away the location of the Soul Stone to have Nebula live. They travel to Vormir where Red Skull is and he reveals that the only way to get the Soul Stone is to sacrifice someone he loves, forcing Thanos to kill his own daughter by throwing her off a cliff. Thanos regrets this decision while acquiring the Soul Stone.

Nebula, having escaped, tells the Guardians to meet her on Titan, Thanos' destroyed homeworld. They arrive to Titan with Stark, Parker, and Strange and both groups mistake each other for working for Thanos before both revealing they are on the same side before forming a plan to defeat Thanos. Strange sees 14 million futures with only one where Thanos loses. Their plan is to remove the Infinity Gauntlet from Thanos' hand and soon he arrives, explaining that he will snap his fingers after having all the Stones which will wipe out half of the universe's population due to overpopulation being the cause of the destruction of Titan. After the heroes grab him with Iron Man and Spider-Man attempting to remove the Gauntlet but soon Quill discovers Thanos killed Gamora which puts him into a rage and accidentally puts Thanos out of grasp and has Stark attempt to stop him with Thanos defeating the heroes and goes in a one-on-one fight with Iron Man, and Thanos keeps destroying his helmet though the nanotech enables him to regenerate it until barely of the armor is left and the suit is unable to regenerate and attempts to kill Thanos who stabs him and is about to kill him but Strange surrenders the Time Stone for Tony to live.


Following the Battle of New York, Adrian Toomes and his salvage company are contracted to clean up the city, but their operation is taken over by Tony Stark's U.S. Department of Damage Control (D.O.D.C.). Enraged at being driven out of business, Toomes persuades his employees to keep the Chitauri technology they have already scavenged and use it to create and sell advanced weapons. Eight years later, Peter Parker is drafted into the Avengers by Stark to help with an internal dispute, but resumes his studies at the Midtown School of Science and Technology when Stark tells him he is not yet ready to become a full Avenger.

Parker quits his school's academic decathlon team to spend more time focusing on his crime-fighting activities as Spider-Man. One night, after preventing criminals from robbing an ATM with their advanced weapons from Toomes, Parker returns to his Queens apartment where his best friend Ned discovers his secret identity. On another night, Parker comes across Toomes' associates Jackson Brice / Shocker and Herman Schultz selling weapons to local criminal Aaron Davis. Parker nearly drowns intervening, and is rescued by Stark, who is monitoring the Spider-Man suit he gave Parker and warns him against involvement with the dangerous criminals. Toomes accidentally kills Brice with one of their weapons, and Schultz becomes the new Shocker.

Parker and Ned study a weapon left behind by Brice, removing its power core. When a tracking device on Schultz leads to Maryland, Parker rejoins the decathlon team and accompanies them to Washington, D.C. for their national tournament. Ned and Parker disable the tracker Stark implanted in the Spider-Man suit, and unlock its advanced features. Parker tries to stop Toomes from stealing weapons from a D.O.D.C. truck, but is overpowered and trapped inside the truck, causing him to miss the decathlon tournament. When he discovers that the power core is an unstable Chitauri grenade, Parker races to the Washington Monument where the core explodes and traps Ned and their friends in an elevator. Evading local authorities, Parker saves his friends, including his fellow classmate and crush Liz. Returning to New York City, Parker persuades Davis to reveal Toomes' whereabouts. Aboard the Staten Island Ferry, Parker captures Toomes' new buyer Mac Gargan, but Toomes escapes and a malfunctioning weapon tears the ferry in half. Stark helps Parker save the passengers before admonishing him for his recklessness and taking away his suit.

Parker returns to his high school life, and eventually asks Liz to go to the homecoming dance with him. On the night of the dance, Parker learns that Liz is Toomes' daughter. Deducing Parker's secret identity, Toomes threatens retaliation if he interferes with his plans. During the dance, Parker realizes Toomes is planning to hijack a D.O.D.C. plane transporting weapons from Avengers Tower to the team's new headquarters. He dons his old homemade Spider-Man suit and races to Toomes' lair. He is first ambushed by Schultz, but defeats him with the help of Ned. At the lair, Toomes destroys the building's support beams and leaves Parker to die. Parker is able to escape the rubble and intercepts the plane, steering it to crash on the beach near Coney Island. He and Toomes engage in an open confrontation that ends with Parker saving Toomes' life from his own unstable equipment, and leaving him for the police along with the plane's cargo. After her father's arrest, Liz moves away, and Parker declines an invitation from Stark to join the Avengers full time. Stark returns Parker's suit, which he puts on at his apartment just as his Aunt May walks in.

Some time later, an incarcerated Gargan approaches Toomes in prison. Gargan has heard that Toomes knows Spider-Man's real identity, but Toomes denies this.

In a post-credit scene, Captain America records another Public Service Announcement about patience while asking the people filming when he is finished making all of the videos.


Centuries ago, five African tribes went to war over a meteorite of the alien metal vibranium. A warrior ingested a "heart-shaped herb", that was mutagenically affected by the metal, and gained superhuman abilities. He became the first "Black Panther", and united the tribes to form the nation of Wakanda, though the Jabari Tribe chose not to follow the Black Panther's rule, choosing to stay in the frigid mountains. Over time, the Wakandans used the vibranium to develop highly-advanced technology and chose to isolate themselves from the rest of the world by posing as a Third World country.

In 1992, while on an undercover assignment in Oakland, California, Prince N'Jobu became convinced that Wakanda's isolationist policies had done more harm than good, and vowed to share its technology with people of African descent around the world in order to help them conquer their oppressors. N'Jobu enlisted black market arms dealer Ulysses Klaue to infiltrate Wakanda and steal a cache of vibranium. His older brother, King T'Chaka, learned of this from another undercover agent, N'Jobu's partner Zuri, and confronted N'Jobu. Though T'Chaka declares that N'Jobu return home to be held accountable for his actions, things do not go as planned.

In the present day, following T'Chaka's death at the hands of Helmut Zemo, his son T'Challa returns to Wakanda to assume the throne. He and Okoye, the leader of the Dora Milaje fighting force, extract his ex-lover Nakia from an undercover assignment so she can attend his coronation ceremony, along with his mother Ramonda and younger sister Shuri. At the ceremony, the Jabari Tribe's leader M'Baku challenges T'Challa for the crown, but T'Challa defeats M'Baku in ritual combat. Rather than kill him, he convinces M'Baku to surrender, and he is officially established as the new king. When Klaue resurfaces to sell a stolen Wakandan Vibranium artifact to a buyer in Busan, South Korea, T'Challa's closest friend W'Kabi - who lost his parents as a result of Klaue's actions - urges him to bring Klaue to justice. T'Challa, Okoye, and Nakia go to the underground casino where the deal is taking place, to find that the buyer is CIA agent Everett K. Ross. When Okoye is exposed, a chase ensues. Though T'Challa catches Klaue, Ross takes him into custody. Klaue tells Ross that Wakanda's international image is just a front for a technologically advanced civilization fueled by Vibranium, before being broken out by an ex-U.S. black ops soldier who goes by the name "Killmonger". Ross is seriously injured during the attack, and T'Challa decides to take him to Wakanda where their technology can save him rather than pursue Klaue. Shuri heals Ross with Vibranium, while T'Challa confronts Zuri about N'Jobu. Zuri reveals the rest of what happened that night - when N'Jobu tried to kill Zuri, T'Chaka reluctantly killed him, and ordered Zuri to lie that N'Jobu had disappeared. They left behind his American son, Erik Stevens, in order to maintain the lie. Killmonger kills Klaue and takes his body to Wakanda as a token. T'Challa tries to keep the truth hidden, but Erik reveals himself to the tribal council as N'Jadaka, N'Jobu's son, and challenges T'Challa for the throne. Killmonger kills Zuri and then triumphs in ritual combat, hurling the defeated T'Challa over a waterfall. After ingesting the heart-shaped herb to gain the powers of the Black Panther, he orders the grove of Herbs be burned. Killmonger enacts his father's plan and prepares shipments of Wakandan weapons to be distributed to operatives around the world, supported by W'Kabi and his army. Nakia, Shuri, Ramonda, and Ross flee to seek the aid of the Jabari. At the home of the Jabari Tribe, M'baku takes them to a comatose T'Challa, rescued by the Jabari in repayment for him sparing M'Baku's life. Healed by a heart-shaped herb brought by Nakia, T'Challa returns to Wakanda to complete his combat with Killmonger, who is now wearing a Black Panther armor of his own. Shuri, Nakia, and Okoye join the Dora Milaje and Jabari in battling W'Kabi and his army, while Ross remote pilots a jet to shoot down the planes carrying the weapons before they can leave the country. During the conflict, T'Challa and Killmonger fall into the Vibranium mine. There, T'Challa uses sonic mining technology to disrupt their suits long enough to fatally stab him. Killmonger declines an offer to be healed and imprisoned, choosing instead to die free.

Rejecting Wakanda's isolationism, T'Challa establishes an outreach center in Oakland where Erik grew up, to be run by Nakia and Shuri. In a mid-credits scene, T'Challa appears before the United Nations to reveal Wakanda's true nature to the world and plans to help the world progress. In a post-credits scene, Shuri continues to help Bucky Barnes with his recuperation.


The Avengers tracked Loki's Scepter to a HYDRA Base in Sokovia. The team, consisting of Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, Hulk, Black Widow, and Hawkeye, raid the outpost, fighting Chitauri enhanced soldiers and tracking down Wolfgang von Strucker, who had been experimenting with human enhancement. Two of Strucker's experiments, Pietro and Wanda Maximoff tried to fight the Avengers but Captain America apprehended Strucker, while Stark retrieved the scepter.

Stark analysed the Scepter and discovered an artificial intelligence within the gem. He showed Banner and used the AI to complete Stark's "Ultron" global defense program. The unexpectedly sentient Ultron, believing he must eradicate humanity to save Earth, eliminated J.A.R.V.I.S. and attacked the Avengers during a victory party at their headquarters. Escaping with the scepter, Ultron used the resources in Strucker's Sokovia base to upgrade his rudimentary body and build an army of robot drones. He recruited the Maximoff twins, who harbored a grudge against Stark because his technology was responsible for their parents' deaths, and together, they visited the South African shipyard base of arms dealer Ulysses Klaue to obtain vibranium. The Avengers battled the twins, but Wanda subdued them with haunting visions, causing the Hulk to run amok and forcing Stark to use his powerful Hulkbuster armor to stop him.

A worldwide backlash and the doubts and fears Wanda's hallucinations had caused sent the team into hiding at Barton's safehouse farm, where they meet Barton's wife, Laura, and their children. Thor departed to consult with Dr. Erik Selvig on the meaning of the apocalyptic future he saw in his hallucination. Realizing an attraction between them, Romanoff and Banner planned to flee together after fighting Ultron. Nick Fury arrived and encouraged the team to form a plan to stop Ultron. In Seoul, South Korea, Ultron forced Banner's friend Dr. Helen Cho to use her synthetic tissue technology together with the scepter's gem to create the perfect body for him. When Ultron began uploading himself into the body, Wanda was able to read his mind; discovering his plan for human extinction, the Maximoffs turned on Ultron. Rogers, Romanoff and Barton hunted Ultron and retrieved the synthetic body, but Ultron captured Romanoff in the process.

The Avengers fought amongst themselves when Stark secretly uploaded J.A.R.V.I.S., who was still operational after hiding inside Ultron on the internet, into the synthetic body. Thor returned to help activate the body with lightning, explaining that the gem on its brow was one of the six Infinity Stones, the most powerful objects in existence and was part of his "vision". Taking "Vision" as its name, the robot and the Maximoffs joined the Avengers, and the team headed for Sokovia, where Ultron had used the vibranium to upgrade himself and build a machine to lift a large part of the city skyward, intending to crash it into the ground to cause global extinction. As the city began to lift, Banner rescued Romanoff, who awakened the Hulk for the battle. The Avengers fought Ultron's army while delaying Ultron from activating his plan's final procedure. Fury arrived in a Helicarrier with Maria Hill, James Rhodes and S.H.I.E.L.D. agents to assist in evacuating civilians, but Pietro was killed when he saved Hawkeye from a barrage of fire. A grieving Wanda abandoned her post to destroy Ultron's primary body in revenge, inadvertently allowing one of his drones to deactivate his machine. The landmass plummeted, but Iron Man and Thor overloaded the machine and shattered the city into pieces. In the aftermath, the Hulk, unwilling to endanger Romanoff by being with her, departed in a Quinjet, while the Vision confronted Ultron's last remaining body and destroyed it.

Later, the Avengers have established a new base in upstate New York, run by Fury, Hill, Cho, and Selvig. Fury assured Romanoff that Banner likely escaped the crashed Quinjet. Believing the Mind Stone was safe with the Vision, Thor returned to Asgard to learn more about the forces he suspected had manipulated recent events. Stark and Barton retired from the team, and Rogers and Romanoff prepared to train new Avengers: Rhodes, Wanda Maximoff, Vision and Sam Wilson.

In a mid-credits scene, Thanos retrieved the Infinity Gauntlet and, dissatisfied by the failures of his pawns, vowed to hunt for the Infinity Stones personally.


In 1987, Janet van Dyne shrinks between the molecules of a Soviet nuclear missile, disabling it but entering the microscopic quantum realm. Hank Pym raises their daughter Hope believing that Janet is dead.

Years later, former criminal Scott Lang takes up the mantle of Ant-Man and discovers a way to both enter and return from the Quantum Realm. Pym and Hope begin work on repeating this feat, believing they may find Janet alive. Lang and Hope also start a romantic relationship and begin training to fight together as Ant-Man and the Wasp, until Lang secretly helps Captain America during a skirmish between the Avengers in violation of the Sokovia Accords. Lang is placed under house arrest, while Pym and Hope go into hiding.

Two years later, Pym and Hope briefly manage to open a tunnel to the quantum realm. Lang receives an apparent message from Janet, who he is quantumly entangled with. Despite having only days left of house arrest, Lang decides to call Pym. Hope kidnaps Lang, leaving a decoy so as not to arouse suspicion from the FBI agent Jimmy Woo. Seeing the message as confirmation that Janet is alive, Pym and Hope work to create a stable tunnel so Hope can take a vehicle to the quantum realm and retrieve Janet.

Hope arranges to buy a part needed for the tunnel from black market dealer Sonny Burch, but Burch has realized the potential profit that can be earned from Pym and Hope's research and double-crosses them. Hope fights Burch and his men off, until she is attacked by a quantumly unstable masked woman, referred to as the Ghost. Lang tries to help fight off the Ghost, but she escapes with Pym's portable lab.

Pym reluctantly visits his estranged former partner Bill Foster who helps them locate the lab. The ghost restrains Lang, Hope, and Pym when they arrive, and reveals herself to be Ava Starr. Her father Elihas Starr, another former partner of Pym's, accidentally killed himself and his wife during a quantum experiment that caused Ava's unstable state. Foster reveals that he has been helping Ava after the accident, who they plan to cure using Janet's quantum energy. Believing that this will kill Janet in the Quantum Realm, Pym refuses to help them and the trio manage to escape.

Opening a stable version of the tunnel this time, Pym and Hope are able to contact Janet who gives them a precise location to find her, but warns that they only have two hours before the unstable nature of the realm separates them for centuries. Burch learns their location from Lang's business partners Luis, Dave and Kurt, and informs a contact at the FBI. Luis warns Lang, who rushes home before Woo can see him breaking his house arrest. This leaves Pym and Hope to be arrested, and for their lab to be taken by Burch.

Lang is soon able to help Pym and Hope escape custody, and they steal the lab back from Burch. Lang and Hope distract Ava while Pym enters the quantum realm to retrieve Janet, but end up fighting Burch and his men allowing Ava to begin the process of taking Janet's energy. Luis, Dave, and Kurt help apprehend Burch, so Lang and Hope can stop Ava. Pym and Janet arrive safely from the quantum realm, and Janet voluntarily gifts some of her energy to Ava to temporarily heal her. Lang returns home once again, in time for a suspicious Woo to release him at the end of his house arrest. Ava and Foster go into hiding, but Pym, Lang, Hope, and Janet plan to harvest quantum energy to continue helping Ava.

In a mid-credits scene, Pym, Hope, and Janet all disintegrate, in tandem with the Battle of Titan and Battle of Wakanda[5] while Lang is harvesting more quantum energy; without anyone to let him out, Lang remains stuck in the Quantum Realm. In the post-credits, the oversized ant is found playing a drum kit in Lang's house. The TV is broadcasting a state of emergency while San Francisco appears to be deserted. #fangame #action #other #marvel

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