Comments (14)
When there is no download button the game is still in developement idiots
How do I play this game? I can't download or play it????
Big News my friends!!! Our official test server has been launched. We are currently running some small tests for the next few days before inviting a selected few players to join in for Pre Alpha Testing.
i'll be waiting for the download button TnT this game look awesome!
Sounds interesting! Looking forward to a demo.
Remember the good old days when Ultima Online and Asheron's Call were unspoiled by their developers.. When you could travel anywhere.. kill anyone...Become friends with a level 80 and they would take you on the quest of a lifetime power leveling you as you went... A world where PK guilds existed and flourished...That time has come again....Welcome to the world of chaos...
Kingdoms In Chaos is an open world fraction pvp mmo. Influenced by old school mmo's like Asheron's Call and Ultima Online, Kingdoms in Chaos is going to have that original mmo feel with no holds barred! Choose from 4 races(Orc)(Undead)(Elf)(Human) and battle for Brittania's riches! 5 classes for each races. Level your character, hunt, explore, craft and quest. Travel anywhere... form a war party and invade your enemies territory...no where is safe! Pvp, PvE, PvF, Loot and Powerlevel. Welcome to chaos! #adventure #multiplayer #rpg #mmo #mmorpg #fantasy #pvp