
Comments (65)

What do you think?

я ради прикола решил залить на вирус тотал и обнаружил троян на слежку клавиатуры я в ахуэ (пожалуйста не пишите я понял то что я немного тупой)

Привет, Саша К! Игра прикольная, мне понравилось.

очень крутая игра!
надеюсь проект и дальше будет развиваться и будут добавляться новые механики.


я создал фан перса для игры, его зовут "ТРОЯНЯК" он опаснее вирусни!

Лайк жду полную версию


Demo v1.1c

Version: 1.1.1about 1 year ago
Deleted Copyrighted music.

This is a DEMO version and many things will be changed in the future.

We are sitting at the computer, on the beautiful Lindows, and everything seems to be going smoothly. But then Virusnya appears - a character who does not have access to administrator rights wants to infect the computer. We can prevent this! Use my protective dome to protect your files from Virusnya'sattacks, then charge up Sultan the Anti-Virus to defeat that prankster!

This and more you will get in the new game “My Dancin' Computer”. This is a unique rhythm game based on the underrated "Game & Wario", featuring interesting characters, catchy music, OS customization, and much, much more!

At the moment, I'm working on a complete remake of the game from scratch, since the demo version is not optimized and needs a complete overhaul, and for the Steam version of the game everything needs to look wonderful. Follow the news, and I will continue to delight you with animated videos on my YouTube channel and work on this game.

Don't miss news about the game on our official server:

#rhythm #2D #lowpoly #music

Mild Fantasy Violence

So here is it! Free Discord server just for you!

> Copyright-free update just arrived!
> Now game doesn't contain Nintendo copyrighted music.
> More information on screenshot.


> Happy holidays!


> Exactly a year ago, MDC was released publicly for the first time. Happy birthday, Virusnya and company!