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MLG Game NEXT GEN - The hack that started it all :0
This is the BAT game that i once made a hack for and that hack now inspired me to make a new game out of it, Which is on the moment im writing this still in development :-)
(Disclaimer, This is actually a DEVLOG but i wanted to share the hack that i once made for a game available for download. For more info read the description completely! Thanks :D )
Get ready for the NEXT GEN Versions of MLG GAMES :0
This MLG Game is still in development but it has made far enough progress to show some stuff.
This game is made completely by me.
Jep, i am responsible for the design, programming, story writing, creating art, creating sprites and creating animations. So in short, i am responsible for the entire game.
This game is based of a hack that i once made for a BAT game called Total War by Vincent Allain. This game also takes a lot of inspiration from the game Undertale by Toby Fox.
I will make the original hack that i made available for download :-)
But the new version i am making right now is much better!
Better gameplay, better controls, better graphics, better sound (it didnt even had sound but still), and better memes!
I hope i can make a playable demo available soon of the full game! But there might be a chance it will never be released and i will just release the game when it is done, It will still get updates such as bug fixes and new enemy's.
But if i won't release a demo but instead the full game then there might still be a chance that i will upload some old debug builds of the game and screenshots for you to see how the development of the game went and how new stuff was added and stuff that was removed from the full game.
But i hope you will enjoy the game when it will come out and i hope you will enjoy the hack that i once made and what now inspired me to make this game :D
Drug Reference
Suggestive Themes
Crass Humor