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My demon is an angel

Version: 0.0.1about 3 years ago

Portugues: esse jogo conta a historia de Jack Hirato um ex. agente do Distrito de proteƧao ao humanos que comeƧou a ver as coisas de um ponto de vista diferente sobre oque realmente estava acontecendo em seu mundo.

ACESSO ANTECIPADO.#action #adventure #rpg

english:this game tells the story of Jack Hirato an ex. Human Protection District agent who began to see things from a different point of view about what was really going on in his world.

EARLY ACSSES. #action #adventure #rpg

Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Crass Humor

Na Proxima atualizaƧao o jogo tera alguns mapas extendidos

como a vila apĆ³s a floresta

In the next update the game will have some extended maps like the village after the forest

I am curently working on english version of the game but it may take a while...