
Comments (2)

What do you think?

Lighting in Unity can be a B***H but I will give this a go see what its like. Is it a game to play or is it just a vending machine right now?


Mall Survival Beta 3

Version: 0.4.0about 7 years ago

Lord Pointy is trying to enslave the entire country of the United States to program his games. You must hide in an abandoned mall for a month to survive. But its not that easy. Inside the mall there are clues on how to get the necessity to survive the entire month. You must also fight sleep deprivation, pests, and complete daily tasks to increase points. If these points go below zero, the game is over.


New Year

It is a new year and we hope to add more updates to the game, thank you to all who are trying out our game.

Mall Survival

Beta Test

Thank you to those who have downloaded the game, you are giving us a chance to share it with the world

Beta Test

Our Beta version is out,so please try it and comment what we could do better. It is mac and windows compatible

Security Room

Got some good ideas going between myself and Enderknight, and I just finished all the 3D models for the scene. Have a look!