Game Community
Abandoned Discovery Island 2.0 - Rebalanced - Official Community
7 Members

Comments (12)

What do you think?

is bush mickey in this game?

also can I help in any way

Are you adding more characters?

can i ask a few questions?


Abandoned Discovery Island 2.0 Rebalanced is a Remake to the infamous cancelled Fnaf Fangame, Abandoned Discovery Island 2.0.

This game is an attempt to Rebalance (Obviously), Recode, And Basically fix ADI 2.0 and everything it did wrong.


This game will add new things that weren't in ADI 2.0, For example:

  • It won't have every character work the same

  • There will be 100 characters (Yes i know that's still probably too many)

  • It will no longer be easy AF.

  • No more having to edit the properties just to play it.

  • No more game crashing jumpscares (Aside from some easter eggs)

  • Redone voicelines

  • New easter eggs

  • Unlockable content

  • Customizable custom night.

  • 50+ Preset CN challenges.

  • No more dev keys left in (You can no longer unlock everything by pressing a)

  • Secret and Extra Nights

  • And quite a lot more.

#fangame #horror #fnaf #survival #strategy #fnati #other #treasureisland #remake #abandoned #abandonedbydisney #abandoneddiscoveryisland

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Realistic Bloodshed
Mild Language

Character Progress

You tell jake smith he'll never eat lunch on this island again.

(Guess reference)

(Also i mean to actually guess the reference, Don't just love the post and not guess the reference at all.)

Who wants to voice him.

(Please ONLY comment if you want to voice him, Don't comment unrelated things.)

ADI 2.0 Reblanced: Introduction.

@kamucn might verify 100/20 when the game comes out