
Comments (3)

What do you think?

where ze frick frack can i download also zont ask.

Narrator Dating Sim is a game I made sololy at 3am because I was bored, this game is a Dating Sim where you date your Narrator, the said Narrator is technically the one from my other game, CSAF, but they Narrator is different with a more human approach for the design.

There is going to be a few endings, all determined by your actions, choose wisely.

(Small 4th wall brackage-)

Narrator: ... Why did you set it up like this? like, mate, this is comfort game, is wholesome not sexual or something-

D. M. K.: Uh. yes.

Narrator: Weirdo-

(TAGS: #solo #DatingSimulator #Narrator)

[Someone tell me if theres more tages needed]

Mild Cartoon Violence
Alcohol Use
Suggestive Themes
Strong Language
Mature Humor

Ello, IK its been a while sense I've gave an update on this game! I've been sick most of the month, like- no joke, I've missed Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday for like- 3 weeks in a row at school bc I've been sick T,T anyways- (READ ARTICLE FOR MORE)


I drew a little head sketch of Rodger, tbh I love how it turned out, lemme know what y'all think.

Ik, it's been a bit. School is pain. I (personally) have struggled to find motivation to work on these games recently, just so happens I am no long on writers block so NDS will be receiving more updates, I am planning to steam- (ARTICLE TIME)

NDS and CSAF have gained a discord server! Join as you wish! :3