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Perang Laut - Maritime Warfare Demo

Version: 0.10.0almost 7 years ago
This is demo version of Perang Laut- Maritime Warfare. Enjoy it.

Perang Laut Maritime Warfare is strategy game based on history of maritime kingdom/sultanate in The Malay Archipelago such Majapahit, Srivijaya, Macassar, Aceh, Ternate, Tidore, and many more. In this game, many kingdoms and sultanate will try to expand the territory either in historical way or normal expansion. With map scretch from Sumatra, Malaya, Borneo, South Mindanao, Celebes, Java, Lesser Sunda Island, Maluku, and Papua, player can expand the territory in many place and monopolizing the unique resource such cloves, nutmeg, sandalwood, gold, diamond, and many more!

In this version, there are two campaigns:Portuguese 1512 and normal (random scenario). You can play totally in

#strategy #realtimestrategy #historical #singleplayer

Realistic Violence

Perang Laut - Maritime Warfare has complated!

Menu and new UI

New Demo :Srivijaya Empire

Duchy of North Java's ports, Kingdom of South Celebes, and ...

new user interactive