
Comments (23)

What do you think?

This project is one of the few that gives me hype, because unlike other fan games that seek to imitate the style of maniac mania or sonic games, this one has its own style that makes it stand out for being special.

I hope this is the definitive version of pizzeria simulator since the babs version always seemed bad to me, including the all stars version.

Can i be a VA?

Discord: Ofc_Sim_Naum

Я буду внимательно следить за этим проектом и надеюсь, что мои ожидания оправдаются хотя бы наполовину. И да, я также надеюсь, что у вас хватит сил и выдержки завершить эту игру.


I will be closely following this project and hope that my expectations will be met at least by half. And yes, I also hope that you have the strength and endurance to finish this game.

love the art style! most Fanmade FNaS content I've seen is absolute shit and terrible, but this is really good and needs attention!

nice art


Ready to reenter the labyrinth one more time?


Years after the closing of SHPP 2017, a new location opens, and along with it a new rebranding in hopes that past events go unnoticed. You are the new manager of this freshly opened pizzeria. Set up decorations, buy animatronics, play games, earn that sweet sweet cash, and most importantly, guard and manage various tasks during your work shift to make sure nothing goes wrong.


Five Nights at Sonic's: Pizza Party is a fan retake of Sonic's Pizzeria Simulator ( created AND owned by @ShadedSunrose !!! ), taking old elements whilst adding new ones!

Stay tooned!

@SwitchBump__ - wghat

@MoleyMSPAINT - Artist

@Villca_Toons - Artist / Concept Artist

@NoTheNot - Concept Artist

@valdibee - Coder

@Spice_Tea_and_Tooth - Beta Tester

@ShadedSunrose - Creator and owner of Sonic's Pizzeria Simulator

@TheCyVap - Owner of the original Five Nights at Sonic's series

SEGA - any and all Sonic the Hedgehog characters featured

Nintendo - any and all Super Mario characters featured

All characters belong to their respective copyright owners. (pleeease don't take my game down PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE)



#fangame #puzzle #strategy #horror #fnas #pointnclick #survival #fnaf #action

Intense Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Blood and Gore
Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans

Y'all like the temporary header?

Heyo @FNaSonics_fangamedirect

Stay toooooned ooooOOOOooo

Thank you @Icantthinkofaproperusername for this opportunity



Still kicking

I guess this counts as a teaser lol