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Pokémon Isekai is a linear adventure that follows a protag from a Pokémon absent universe, now having to adapt to a new Pokémon world in the Lunera Region.


  • No Pokéballs - You have a chance after defeating wild Pokémon (or Legendaries) to recruit one of the combatants.

  • Double the trouble - Most battles will be 2v2 but legendaries and other bosses will be 2v1.

  • No Rock unturned - Most objects and locations will have interaction dialogues, this means there will be loads of secret events and lore to see. so check everything.

  • Strats for days - All moves, healing items and pkmn stats will be adjusted for longer, more strategic battles.

  • Special just for you - Special Events and Quests for Legendaries and other special Pokémon.

  • Retro Overworld - Overworld Traversal inspired by older games (Specifically jrpgs), only specific areas allow free movement.

  • Tyrants - Tyrant Pokémon are special unrecruitable bosses that are bigger, unique and stronger versions of normal Pokémon.

  • Breathing World - Many locations will have wild pokemon and/or NPCs wondering around.

  • Who's ready for some fetch quests? - Numerous unique quests await to be completed for optional key items and other items as well.

  • It's all up to you - You get to decide if you want the original Exp. Share, the new Exp. All or neither.

  • Rematches anyone? - Trainers are rematchable with a cooldown period

  • Oops it fainted? - Now legendaries are able to respawn after being defeated

  • Winds of change - New uses for Razz berries while Golden Razzberries are the fresh new item in town.

#fangame #rpg #strategy #pokemon #fangame #jrpg

Simulated Gambling

Go watch the new video on my new channel that demostrates how wild encouters work in pokemon Isekai:

Pokemon Isekai - Wild Encounter | Demo 1
This is a short video displaying how wild encounters work in Pokemon Isekai. 1st demo coming around 8/20/24.Just search Pokemon Isekai on gamejolt.

The game is in the testing phase. Demo is estimated to be out by around 9/10/24.

Hello everyone, the first demo was planned for release in this week or the next but due to graphic improvements and map changes, I'll have to postpone it to at least mid august or later. thanks for your continued patience!