Comments (677)
Okay so far. Please make a .exe!
I agree with Mark. Kind of needs a download for those of us that do not have internet.
you should consider bring this out on the Mobile Devices. as Tablets or Mobile phone. id definitely download it on my Android phone.
The best game of zombie i ever played
Awesome game!
Infectonator : Survivors
Infectonator : Survivors is now AVAILABLE on Steam Early Access. Check it out here:
We've got the Greenlight! Thank you every one for your support! Check out our old **Steam Greenlight Page:
Special Christmas Edition is now available on ArmorGames.com, play it here : **http://armorgames.com/play/15768/infectonator-survivors-christmas**
**ATTENTION!** This game is still in alpha-stage development. You may encounter bugs, missing features, and unbalanced gameplay.
From the creators of the popular flash game Infectonator, comes a new game!
Infectonator : Survivors combines RTS, Tower Defense, and Management-Simulation gameplay. Lead a group of survivors in a struggle to stay alive and finding rescue in a zombie apocalyptic world.
The game world is randomly generated everytime you play a new game.
Strategy (TD + RTS + Tycoon Sim + Roguelike)
None / minimum story. A small group of survivors is stranded in a city overrun with zombies. To get out they need to fix their broken down car. However, finding supplies is not easy.
Art Direction
Pixel Art in 2.5D Semi-Isometric view
Target Platforms
PC, iOS (iPhone & iPad), Android
Actionscript 3.0, Starling Framework, Adobe Flash Builder 4.6, Adobe AIR
Key Features
Addictive TD gameplay combined with action packed real time strategy and tactical elements
Deep and engaging management simulation gameplay
Awesome pixel art graphics
Randomly generated world for high replay factor
Character customization
Permanent death (for hardcore players)
**Updated - 9 Feb 2014 (v 0.40)
*** Added Skill Points system
Max level changed to 10 (previously was 5)
Equipped weapon info is now showed when changing weapon & opening inventory
Added new weapon
Added more levels
Kick-out Button is NOT WORKING YET!
Updated - 14 Nov 2013 (v 0.33)
Bug fix - Level Up will not reset character health to 20.
Updated some UI elements.
Minor game balancing.
Updated - 12 Nov 2013 (v 0.32)
Added Knockback effect on weapons (especially melee).
Fix save game inventory duplication bug (Old save game prior to ver 0.32 will be removed).
Added Character Portraits on Survivor screen.
Improved mouse & touch controls during gameplay.
Updated - 30 Oct 2013 (v 0.31d)
Fixed bug - "tutorial" scene occurs in every single mission
Updated - 30 Oct 2013
Added merchant store (available on day 2)
Game now saves automatically everytime you return to HQ
Player can load the game from the main menu by pressing the (tiny) LOAD button
Scrollbars can now be dragged propperly
Updated - 16 Oct 2013
Added mission & global objectives.
Tweaked drop rates & overall difficulty.
Support now have cooldown & usage limit
Updated - 16 Oct 2013
Added tutorials.
Survivors will now consume FOOD/SUPPLIES each day.
Added mission budget
Updated - 8 Oct 2013
Added survivor encounter/rescue, search drops weapons, randomly generated world & levels
Updated - 30 Sept 2013
Added explosion FXs and now you can change your characters' weapon inventory
Updated - 4 Sept 2013
I've addeda mortar strike support in the game, no explosion animation/effects though. Levels are now persistent, turrets you've built will stay in the level and objects that you've searched will remain empty
Updated - 29 Aug 2013
I've just uploaded a new build, now with a little bit of story (this is only a test, the story will change) & dialog screens.
Optimized pathfinding
Added a shotgun
etc...I'm lazy
Intense Cartoon Violence