
Comments (12)

What do you think?

it won't let me play because it says the project files are lower than version 1.4.0, some kind of node-webkit error thing.

fuck'en sick idea and the music is off the charts can't wait for the full game.

This looks very promising. I wasn't big on RPG's growing up, but I loved playing Super Mario RPG. Excited to see how this turns out!


Power Ranger The Power Revived Alpha Demo 0.01

Version: 0.1.0over 3 years ago
This is a very Rough demo but has a full intro and has some of the plot and ideas in the game, It’s Hopefully only temporary As I’m looking for better equipment as my current laptop cannot load the game anymore. But I really hope you enjoy what is there and please feel free to give ideas and feedback as it will help me very much Thank you

Game Soundtrack

1 song

Power Rangers The Power Revived (Main Theme Instrumental)

This is a Fan Made RPG Game Made in the RPGMakerMV engine will have an original Story and its own set of Rangers and Characters, plus as many characters from the series as possible will be playable (even if they have no part in the initial Story this will include some guest characters also). as well as many heroes there will also be Villians to which will also be playable.

I am planning for the Story to take place after the Lord Drakkon Arc (but the events that happen or are mentioned will completely original this will be a different Universe version of events but i may pick things out).

Thank you for reading my description if you like the sound of this project please like follow and share it would help me out greatly :)


though my Story and some of my characters are my own the Names,Places,Characters,religious views and character designs belong to Saban, NeoSaban, Bandai and Disney also any other connected companies, this is a fan game made by a fan for fans and is completely and will have the highest respect when handling the property used

Special Thanks
Thanks To the people whose MicroArt Sprites i've used from Deviantart (For Speech Boxes)

shepard 137

Thanks to JaredDuFord who inspired me to do this RPG as he started one ages ago which was amazing. ive used all the sprites from his page on

also thanks to buddah421 would was included in the sprites ive used

From these categories

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: (Red, Red Ninja, Red with Shield, Ninjor, Blue, Blue With Shield, Black, Black with Shield, Yellow, White, Green, Green without Shields, Alpha 5, Zordon in chamber,
Zeo Rangers: (Red,Blue,Green,Yellow,Pink and Gold)
Alien Rangers: (Red,Yellow,White,Blue and Black)
Turbo Rangers: (Red,Blue,Green,Yellow,Pink, Shadow, Police Robot)
Space Rangers: (Silver,Red and Blue)
Dino Thunder: (Black Dino Thunder)
Super Megaforce: (Red and Blue)
Monsters: (Rita,Lord Zedd, Goldar (Wings in,Wings out,Wingless),Bones,Cyclops,Ivan Ooze,Kings Sphinx (Winged and Wingless), Madam Woe, Pudgy Pig, Pumpkin Rapper, Scorpina2 , ShellShock, Slippery Shark, Super Putty, ZPutty)
Zords: MMPRzord, Dragonzord, Dragon Megazord, Thunderzord Megazord, Tigerzord,

#fangame #action #adventure #arcade #scifi #other #rpg #retro #strategy #puzzle #survival

Cartoon Violence
Comical Shenanigans

Hello Everyone, im sorry ive been absent so long but to keep it short im back now and working on the game so updates coming soon

Hey guys here is a new YouTube video I'm really starting to work on the story now so hopefully a decent demo will be available but I hope you like this new special video

Power Rangers The Power Revived RPG Fan Game - Final Enemy Weapon Test with new Zord Test
this is going to be my final video with testing things (Hopefully ;) ) Im planning to do a quick demo playthrough soon, there is a very small demo on GameJo...

Hello everyone sorry things have been slow on my end I'm hoping to give you more content soon in just very happy to have you all follow my progress, I just hope I can deliver you all great content thanks again for your support

A really Rough Demo is now Available,

I would love any feedback or ideas you have and please keep in mind that this is work in process so there are bugs and incomplete things but i hope you can get something out of it :)

This will be the last post for a while I’m afraid 😟 but will get back to work ASAP

The Power Revived Rpg Fan Game ft Bloodline of the Grid
Thank you so much for WatchingI apologise for the quality of this video ive been trying to upload this video for a while but this was meant to be uploaded we...