Comments (1)
The concept is interesting, a quick game where there is no room to doubt the movement, especially in VS mode, and the color palette sits very well in OperaGX
No Internet! - Opera GX Submission
Player 1 - WASD
Player 2 - Arrow Keys
Switch Mode - SPACE
Just keeping it simple.
Uh oh! Ugh, it's a gamer's worst nightmare... NO INTERNET!!!
The only way to fix this problem is by sending your UFO to prevent asteroids from interrupting your signal! (I guess you could also just restart your router... But that's not as fun.)
Ehh, you don't have to read this:
I tried to keep three main points in mind for this project: Simplicity, Storage Use, & User Satisfaction. (Alliteration, BABYYYY!)
I only had two days to make this. I kinda just stumbled upon this jam two days before it ended, so I had to speedrun making a game.
This is my first time using GameMaker Studio 2, but the language wasn't all that different than GM:S 1.4, so it wasn't bad at all.
If I had more time (if I had stumbled onto the jam earlier) I'd definitely mess around with Opera GX's themes and have the game's colours adapt to the theme the user has selected. (It's easy to do, in theory. I might, given I know how to do this without increasing the storage use.)
As far as creativity goes gameplay-wise, IT'S JUST ASTEROIDS. I gave it an hour of thought before I decided to just do it. I couldn't really think of anything else. (Okay, well I had a cow collecting idea later on, but it was a little too late to go back. I considered making a couple different minigames to add a fourth alliterated point, surprise, but that would take down Storage Use, so I decided against it.)
ME. Everything was made by me in the time I was given.
Please check out my other games :)
Minus the font, you can find that here: https://www.dafont.com/silkscreen.font