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Version: 4.5.3about 2 years ago

RufasCube Game Introduction

**As of 6may2020, a 2x2x2 SevenSlider will be included with RufasCube.**

RufasCube is NOT another Rubic's Cube. It's a much simpler slider puzzle that is incrementally solvable. A 3x3x3 arrangement of cubelets with the center one missing allows sliding permutations. After a randomization, the goal is to restore the cube to its original configuration based on color and alphabetic hints.

Dragging the cursor rotates the cube for a better view angle.

Clicking the cursor on a cubelet adjacent to the empty space will slide it into that empty space. On laptops you may also hit (return) when the cursor is on the cubelet of choice to select and slide it. On MacBooks, a 2-finger tap on the touchpad does the job.

Zooming can be done with a mousewheel, or a 2-finger drag on MacBooks.

As indicated on screen, (h) will toggle a help screen.

Note that (c) will toggle an alternate skin Color. One looks like a rubic cube coloring, and the other is an RGB coloring where red increases in the X-direction, green increases in the Y-direction, and blue in the Z-direction.

Works on Macs running OS-X and PCs running Windows or GNU/Linux. New linux sound system allows greatly enhanced portability across linux distros. The proper command to extract the archive and maintain the directory structure is "7z x filename".

Note that the Windows version will run on linux under wine.



Note that all of my FOSS games may be run from a thumb drive:

Simply unzip onto a USB flash drive [w/same file format] and run.