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Slow paced #multiplayer #shooter #fangame with a #starwars theme.

Fight up to 4 players in a free-for-all dogfight. The approach and direction you choose is more important than firing or good reflex. Think, plan, then move.

Take advantage of phisics: all the space bodies create a gravity field, and all the bodies are influenced by the field. You can deeply interact with the enviromet using your space hook (a rope that can connect your ship with another body, and can be used also to interconnect to different astroships) or you tractor beam (you can pull an astroship towards you, but third priciple of dynamic applies).

You can collide with other ships trying to push them outside the fighting field, or just shoot them.

Space rocks, mines and bonuses will appear randomly to increase the possibilities during the space fights.

Keybinding fully configurable, joypad are selectionable. Use option menu to choose between the preconfigured settings or create a new one from scratch using the txt file in \keyset subfolders.

It is possible playing the game in single player mode (less interesting) with a #multiending (3+1) story and three possible path: light, neutral and dark (will you identify how to choose the dark path?). Dialogue will drive through the story defining objectives and giving important hints about how to advance in the adventure.

Single player mode will push you to use all the possible interaction with other astroships and space bodies also in creative way.

At the end of the match you will receive an analysis of your behaviour and which mission have been accomplish and which one have been skipped.

Available in #multilingual: #english and #italiano provided.

Have a look at the several options available at the menu, and for even more personalization open config.txt or create additional multiplayer ships copying the existing txt files in \ships subfolders and modifying them.

Mild Cartoon Violence
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