
Comments (19)

What do you think?

El juego se ve muy bien, me ga gustado mucho el gameplay! este proyecto tiene mucho potencial, espero con ansias la actualizacion!

I like the style!
It's very different and new than other SCP fan games!

is scp-914 broken?

When I try to load a save game, it doesn't work.

Love it. Games like these ones are not just taking the origanal game and moding it or something like that,these are creating something NEW and FRESH. please continue making this!


SCP: The Cycle Beta

Version: 0.2.2almost 5 years ago
The Beta version of SCP: The Cycle

SCP: The Cycle is a scary story-based game that is based on the lore of the SCP universe, you can read more about the general lore on this website:

In this game, you play as a scientist working for the SCP Foundation.

You awaken in a dark office, sirens blaring, red lights flashing. It seems that something has gone wrong, but what has happened? You must get to safety quickly!

I don't want to reveal a lot about the story as that is this game's strongest point. I can however say that this game involves concepts of time traveling.

#horror #scifi #puzzle

Cartoon Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Drug Reference

Not a lot of progress in this devlog, but I've managed to make the new tutorial section


Added new floor textures for a black carpet, used in offices, and white tiles used in laboratories.

New devlog is online. I'll be talking about the new gameplay features, the visual update and several other improvements.


Implemented SCP-207 today. SCP-207 grants the player a speed boost, which allows them to run past obstacles such as tesla gates without them killing you.

A little teaser for the Hawley Device. The Hawley device, which is based on SCP-507, allows the user to travel to alternate dimensions. This function will have to be used to solve puzzles in the game. More info in the next devlog

Good progress today on porting the game. I've imported all the sprites, sound effects and music and I've implemented player movement, doors/walls and the basics of the save/load system. I've also made a new main menu.

Hey there! After a break of about 2 months (due to Spies and Lies) I'm back in business with SCP: The Cycle. My first order of business is porting the game to GMS 1.4, which will give me better performance and an overall beter base to develop with.

New devlog is online. I've been working on the AI, started working on the cutscene overhaul and fixed a lot of bugs.


I've made a new dialogue box as part of the cutscene overhaul. This makes it clearer by showing the name and face of the person talking.

Solid progress today. Many bugfixes, a lot of them have to do with visual issues such as depth, and a few areas that were missing collisions have been fixed as well. SCP-3658 is the newest addition to the game, and many more will come.