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Game Soundtrack

1 song

shugunou. by Me

This is my idea, please do not steal. This concept is a Work In Progress. I have not decided on a date or time to start on the game yet. Java is a placeholder platform and may change. The game will be created in English but Japanese and Spanish translations will be released later on. This is an Undertale fangame where you fight my Persona. #fangame #action #rpg #scifi #puzzle #strategy

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Realistic Bloodshed
Comical Shenanigans

I identify as bigender but the character in this AU is male because they are based on me when I still identified as male. As for Zenno Shugunou (Gaster replacement), they are also bigender as they are based on me now.

I decided to scrap the previous "shugunou." themes and make a new one.

Here are the main sprites so far

Shugunou's soul trait is Integrity. However, his soul trait only activates when using it.

Here is a list of all the important character roles. You will likely only recognize two of them for now.