Comments (26)
Hello, I played the serious mode ( just phase 1) and not gonna lie it is better than the joke version. The music and sprites are well done. However, I do have some complaints that I would like to address. I hope you will take them into consideration.
First, in phase 1 the damage is too much. Even in easy difficulty it's still too much a little mistake can take your half of the HP it is better if you just lower the damage like phase 2 or just make a separate mode where you take low damage.
Second, I like the new soul mechanics except the blue soul mode. While I don't hate the whole blue soul concept, it's kinda annoying to play with this mode. The main issue I have with this mechanics is that it's hard to make a perfectly vertical or horizontal position and with buff damage this mode just make the game 5 times harder. I suggest you add something that will let us position the soul perfectly vertical and horizontal. if you can't lowering the damage will do justice to blue soul mode
Third, you should rework the camera rotation of the 11th number attack. You can't just understand this attack until you record the attack and see it for yourself and with buff damage this attack is just frustrating. Dying on this attack without learning the pattern because of that you have to play the whole game for 5 min again just to reach and try to learn this attack yet die on that same attack again makes it even more frustrating. I suggest you to make the camera rotation understandable like attack number 3.
As for last, how come there is no checkpoint in phase 2? There is checkpoint after dying, but I can't count how many times I have accidentally pressed Z just to restart my entire progress and play the whole phase 1 again. Also why you have to feel like you don't need to refill the item after reaching phase 2, like I somehow reached the 4-5 attack and still phase 2 is not over yet like how many attack does phase 2 have in the beginning? I was only able to save like 3 items because the amount of time I have pressed Z accidentally. That's why I BEG you to add save even if I closed the game I can play phase 2 anytime. Also refill some item in phase 2. I don't how many attack does phase 2 has because I have not beaten yet but if its more then 10 like 15 to 16 then add 5 items if not 4 item is enough I guess.
Anyway thanks for reading my very long comment. Good game and I hope again you take complaint consideration.
[Serious Mode] ScaryTale | Sans Fight
Scary Sans Fight | ScaryTale Fight - 100
this is a game
why was this actually kinda good
Game Soundtrack
- 1.version 0.wav
- 2.version 1.wav
- 3.version 2.wav
- 4.Cold-Depridation.
- 5.Scared?
- 6.version ∅.wav
- 7.To Sleep, Dreaming (Scary)
- 9.Disgrace. Humiliation.
- 15.[OLD] 100 - scarytale fight
- 16.[UNUSED] Old Menu thing
- 17.[UNUSED] groomatory
Toasty-enterprise - Creator
@ixa-121 - Programmer
Nightmare, Manyfaces, Joseph, Gub - Sprites
@cassdudette , Emptymirror, Karbob, Booster, @prod_sknl
(David) -OST
Snowy, Vortex Ivy, Warworlfkill - Concept/Writing
Discord - https://discord.gg/ZA83vtgy
It started as a joke but turned into something big. The game got 3 new soul modes . uh bugs (lies)
#bullethell #undertale #scary #whyareyoureadingthis #fangame #action #rpg #platformer #horror #retro