
Software Developer Idle
You are a software developer and you're tired of working for someone else all the time, only making what they want you to make, and never making the stuff you want to. Never working on your own projects.
Well, your time has come. Finally. You're starting your own business with what you have in the bank: ȿ 1. Ok, so you're broke, but you can still do this. You just need to start doing this "nights & weekends".
Once you get a few projects completed, you'll be able to afford to spend less time "at the office" and more time working on your own stuff. Also, you'll be able to hire people to do more things for you. You'll also have to start managing your resources. This includes servers and attacks on your stuff.
What? Did you think you weren't going to get noticed by hackers or have to deal with hardware failures? Pfft! This isn't a game, it's your life! You've wanted to do this "forever", so you have to deal with the bad as well as reap the rewards.