Game Community
Changed Community BY Scarlet Eye
14 Members

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ох вау, полноценная игра на полноценном коде ? круто

Scarlet Eye is actively developing a fan-game

If you love the game Changed and the clicker genre, then the game is for you! Transfurm people and develop >:3

Interesting fact :

1.This is the first fan-game for Changed, made on the HaxeFlixel engine.

2.Achievements will be added to the game.

Management :


"ENTER" = Choose

"W" / "UP" = Scrolling up the menu

"S" / "DOWN" = Scrolling down the menu

"TAB" = Viewing the composer

"6" = ???


Full control is carried out with the mouse


"-" = Turn down the volume

"+" = Turn up the volume

"0" = off / on volume

"alt" + "enter" = fullscreen

Minimum system requirements :

OS : Windows 8(32 bit)

RAM : 2 GB


@Scarlet-Eye - Game developer

@KittyFoxNyan - Helping with the visual of the game

@togo91 - Playtester

#clicker #retro #fangame #changed #furry


Scarlet Eye is back with a new project in his paws, hold on! The main menu of my new fan game based on Changed UwU

Well, after such a time, I was able to almost implement the full-fledged mechanics of the game, I have already completely done the basis, it remains only some details so that the game looks more beautiful and the mechanics will be completely ready >:3

Achievements? >w>

Briefly about my calculations in the code :


A small but pleasant thing. I made the music creators appear in the game, and if you press the TAB button. Then you will follow the link to the authors :3