Comments (297)
I love the game, but my one problem with it is that the enemy knights can crouch, making them impervious to any attack other than the sword drop. This results in the enemies literally just crouching forever, until you stand up for a frame and then they stab you. When you do the sword drop, it leaves you vulnerable to attack. Even with sword enchantments, it takes 3 sword drop attacks to kill them, meaning that each knight in the game typically takes about 1 third of your health away from a perfect fight. They also often turn you around, meaning that you can stab in their direction and end up missing completely. If you removed crouching for the NPC's, granted, people would just corner crouch. But in the current state of the game, the normal enemies you fight just take too much out of you, and even though you can make minor progress and chip away at the castle's general fortitude, no matter what, those knights are the bane of your existance.
Had some issues while recording, but it was a great time! tight controls, very retro!
What's this smell? Oh just another good game...
This game is not getting NEARLY as much love as it deserves! The visuals are properly old-school and beautiful, the sound is awesome, the subtle effects when you hit an enemy or deflect an arrow are proper, the controls are butter-smooth and work extremely well. At first the game can seem difficult, sure, but once you start to understand the enemy's patterns and when to actually engage in combat or just simply run, the game becomes completely manageable and satisfying, kinda Dark Souls-esque. I mean, rage-quit a game like this? Gimme a break - this beast deserves completion. Please continue making games, this was outstanding!
Here's my playthrough:
Can someone please help???
i liked this game a lot but when i start just gets to a black screen :(
(i hear the sounds and the music but gets black)
(sorry for bad english, im from brazil)
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Grimstorm (Wineskin)
Mac version in a Windows wrapper. Try this out if you're having problems playing the normal one.
Castle Grimstorm...
A place of terror and evil, spreading its foul corruption across the Kingdom. With it's malevolent ruler causing chaos and despair, it's time he met his demise. That's where you come in, heroic adventurer. Blessed with the gift to come back from death, it's up to you to storm the castle!
An entry for #AdventureJam 2015.
#action #adventure #platformer #retro #metroidvania #fantasy
Fantasy Violence
Comical Shenanigans