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Spacey (Kevin) the Space Core: #SPAAAAAAAAAAAAAACE!!!!!!!!

Wheatley: Ah! I see it now. This is going 2 be fun!!!

The Third Old Builder Buttler Guard has Returned for Revenge!!!! This is going to be Wild!!!!!



(Story Typed on: 10/25/2023)


WHAT!!! You all had thought that Aperture's just a fairytale story to talk about huh? Well, this universe however will change life in Aperture Science FOREVER!!! Well, at least for the better for now. Anyways, let us begin shall we?

Chapter one: Invader Dimocquish

After a full growling month of defeating Invader Zim and his parody horror-like friends, everyone can relax so peacefully now. Sadly, once an old chapter's finished, a brand NEW one begins. A month after Zim's defeat, Ian was still trying his best to find ways to hang out with both Angel Dust and Cherri Bomb. Things were moving smoothly for those three lovers, but it did not last for a long time now!!

Both Cherri and Angel were starting to have arguments with Ian The Wolf and they were fighting and yelling about what their futures would look like. Angel Dust said that her or HIS future might be living with many pop culture-like stars. Cherri Bomb had thought that her future will be living with lots of terrorist throwing bombs at her. And as for Ian's future, well.... He just couldn't figure out what his future would look like. For now, Ian The Wolf was still doing all of his virtual classes online. Yeah, we all know why. But, during those events and drama-like moments, there was another thing that had happened.

Invader Zim and his gang may had been defeated, but for all of Ian's other parody-like drawings, not so much!!!!! Lord Ender Dragon (LED), Mr. Direction, Lord Admin and all of the others had survived the war with Zim. With Mr. Virus included!! It was so glad that LED decided to move back to his hometown because he and Mr. Direction and Lord Admin wanted to do something a bit more different. Like creating a FAMILY!!! It is also like getting girlfriends? Yeah....Anyways........

Chapter Two: Inside My Professional Advisor's Head

Was another thing that had happened!! An IMP named Blitzo, another IMP named Millie, a client named Mrs. Mayberry, and a hellhound-like wolf name Loona had also survived Zim's loss!! However, Blitzo and his other IMP friends didn't land inside of the Minecraft World. Instead, they had landed inside of another dimension underneath the real world and right to where the Minecraft World is at!! By the way, The Radio Demon or Alastor was there too as well!!

Anyways, Alastor had found out that this abandoned-like dimension was of course called the "Aperture Universe"!! It is where turrets, and cores now live and protect about anything for Aperture's gang leader. She was of course named "Glados"!! But before she was awakened, Alastor and Blitzo and found something a bit interesting when searching inside of where all cores were being made. It was an old blueprint that was used for making a new and improved bodies for Aperture's cores!!!!!! But only FOUR were made for this experiment. Their names were "Havange the Ravenge Core", "Nechno the Techno Core", "Niggeretes the Sigeretes Core", and of course, none other then "Wheatley" himself!!!!!!! There were other cores too. But we don't really talk about them.

Now then, when both Blitzo and Alastor had found this old blueprint, they could use this to create and bring back a new and original army for Ian The Wolf, Jax Justun, Jax Marble, Mowey Drew and Merry Bratts to fight with!!!!! So they made a portal to the MC World and Tell Lord Ender Dragon (LED) about the GREAT news!! But they didn't even realized that the power was still on when they'd left in a hurry!!!!!! And that was how Glados was brought back to life once more!!!!! They also didn't realized that there was another portal that just opened right after theirs. It was portal from space and Wheatley was there with another core. Thankfully, he'd survived and also went through the portal where Blitzo and the others had went in. SO he went inside and follow those who had found his long lost lair!!

Chapter Three: Some New Aperture Management!!

And of course, let's not forget about Jax Justun, Jax Marble, Mowey Drew and Merry Bratts. Speaking of which, meanwhile, back at Justun's apartment house, Merry Bratts was still trying his best to fit in with his new/old friends. Unlike Ian The Wolf and his anime girlfriends Angel Dust and Cherri Bomb, Merry Bratts was still having hard times fitting in with his new surroundings and his new home!!

Jax Justun, Jax Marble and Mowey Drew are trying their best to find a job so they could let Merry Bratts learn how to be like a "NIGHT GUARD"!!! And they were in luck. Because on November 6th, 2020, a new attraction and restaurant-like establishment was being introduced to the world. It was called "Aperture's Family Emplorium"!!!!!!! But the name was then changed to "Wheatley's Aperture Family Palace Diner"!!! That was because of some unknown reasonings that I just can't comprehend myself.

It had said on the newspaper that FOUR brand new Night Guards are needed to hired until November 9th, 2020. So, Jax Justun called that place up and tell Merry Bratts about the good news about getting a new JOB!!! The newspaper had also said that the FOUR night people must work at 12:00 AM - 7:00 AM in each day if anything bad happens at Wheatley's Aperture Family Palace Diner!!! Not only that, the newspaper had also said that some strange new creature was lurking in the shadows to hunt for it's brand new prays!!

But that can't be dark and harmful to worry about right?! Well, just wait because Aperture's now back in session!! For new looks for cores included!! So, what are you waiting for? Let's get to work!! So yeah, we're done here!! #NaveJonnsonWereDoneHere!!!! #fangame #horror #fnaf #action #adventure #puzzle #pointnclick #shooter #sports #strategy #textadventure #altgame #analog #survival #other #fnf #Portal2 #WheatleyisBackforRevenge!!!!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!! #LegaciesNeverEverSurrender!!!!! #WelcomeToJaxJustunStudios!!!!!! #ApertureMeetsParodies!!!!!!!

-End of Story


Meet The JJS Aperture Parody Cores and Their Crew!!!!

JJS Aperture Parody Core #1 - Wheatley "The Official Leader of All JJS Aperture Parody Cores"

JJS Aperture Parody Core #2 - Havange the Ravenge Core

JJS Aperture Parody Core #3 - Nechno the Techno Core

JJS Aperture Parody Core #4 - Niggeretes the Sigeretes Core

Other Crewmate Members of both Jax Justun Studios & Aperture Science!!!!!

(Future Updates Incoming Soon!!!!)


Welcome to "Wheatley's Aperture Family Palace Diner", a Magical & Beautiful Parody and Fantasyland where Everything Science is Possible!!!!!!

(Future Updates Incoming Soon!!!!!!!)

Intense Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence
Blood and Gore
Sexual Violence
Alcohol Reference
Drug Reference
Tobacco Reference
Brief Nudity
Graphic Sexual Themes
Mature Humor

The Official #ThoseNatJJs3 Logo #VersionTwo - (Created on: May 30th, 2024) Afternoon you guys!!!! Yeah, this is awkward here!!!!! Remember I'd said earlier that I'll changed the color errors for the logo for #ThoseNatJJs3WRforR and everything earlier!?!?!

The Official #ThoseNatJJs3 Logo - (Created on: May 30th, 2024) Well folks, this just got very interesting here for today because more and more of my past future parody games are getting their official upgrades none what so ever!!!!!

Well folks, the story for the #3rdThoseNatJJ's game had finally had some upgrades!!!! Pretty quick I know!!!!!

Hello and good marrow my beloved and positive fans of FNAF, SCP, and Portal!!!!!! It's been a LOOOOOOONNNGGGGG TIME!!!! How have you been today?!?!?!!!! Sorry!!!! I had to do that!!!!

Well you FNAF and Portal fans, after two years of waiting.......