Comments (5)
Hey! Nice game, I really liked the refreshing angle where you move your character and your camera are basically one, but it's not built the same way traditional First Person games are. Visual effects are also quite on point, and so are sounds.
Tutorial was a bit dark around the edges, it was hard to see some details on it.
I got lost a few times, but thankfully UI elements I had to click on were bright enough to send me back on track; In one occasion I got completely stuck, namely after reawakening and a short sequence afterwards, the only seemingly interactive element I could find is this one:

Sadly clicking it or doing anything I could think of on anything on the screen did not progress the game, so I had to fold it there.
It was a pretty fun experience all in all, looking forward to more! :D
The Burglar - Demo
NB faster play on small screen.
You have just broken into a mansion and are excited when you steal a couple of items. Its seems like you have chosen the right proffession when suddenly your fairy tail takes a dark mesterious twist. #pointnclick