Game Community
7 Members

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Somniphobia causes extreme anxiety and fear around the thought of going to bed. This phobia is also known as hypnophobia, clinophobia, sleep anxiety, or sleep dread. there's your description of it people.

Gave it a Let's Play, unfortunately though, my Webcam footage wasn't recording the entire time. Rip.

Interesting, I think i picked up a few bugs but not sure, how many nights in the demo and how many in total?

YouTuber: Fellowplayer

I really enjoyed it! I still have the 3rd dream left to do. I will get to that in due time. Got me a few times haha. Thank you for a fun experiance. I'm looking forward to the final game.

I made a YouTube video on the game as well:

is this game still coming out? it said September 30th and ive really been looking forward to the steam release, but it never came out...

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Version: 1.0.1over 3 years ago

Somniphobia DEMO

Version: 0.4.1over 3 years ago

Somniphobia Early Development

Version: 0.1.0almost 4 years ago
This is what my game was like after around 2 to 4 weeks of development. Back then, I didn't even have a name for this game!

Game Soundtrack

1 song

Music Box



A girl named Susan suffers from reoccurring nightmares. You’re in control on her dreams: it is imperative that you don’t let Susan wake up, since if she does… she’ll have the same nightmare again. Peeking down dark corridors, crawling through claustrophobic vents and walking around a massive room without light, you will have to stay away from the nightmarish figments of her imagination. If anything gets too close, Susan will wake up.

Most of this game has a 'point and click' kind of gameplay, but many other parts of her dreams will be in free roam and in first person.


The whole game has been hand painted and programmed by me, but I must contribute my thanks to all these awesome people for letting me use their SFX for free: klankbeeld, Headphaze, Fission9, qubodup, Duckers_Duckerson, matucha, InspectorJ.

Contact me: [email protected]

#horror #survival #puzzle #pointnclick #somniphobia #psychological #dream #dreams #scary #paint #unsettling #dreamy #nightmare #puppet #paper #altgame #other #halloween #strategy

Intense Cartoon Violence
Animated Bloodshed

Villin's Jumpscare

Somniphobia Dream 8
