Comments (237)
The game is pretty good, but I keep running into this weird bug whenever I attempt to recruit Arnold.
How do I recruit Serjio again? I warned Kai and during his fight Serjio was both not-infinitized and fled when I depleted his HP to ~20%. I opened up the secret area with the TNT, is there a step I'm missing?
How A Joel Join In My Team?
Como Puedo Unir A Joel En Mi Equipo
hello jackallen
someone needs help with the game and apparently can't access gamejolt, and since I haven't played this since March, I can't help them myself
so I'd appreciate it if you could clear up the confusion

LISA: Timeless in Pointless - Drunkard's Paradise
Alternate ZIP File Version
I’ve heard the installer has (very rarely) given people issues before, so here’s an alternate download just in case. I'd recommend the installer over this simply because it has a slightly smaller file size, but if you need/want this, it's here.
A mod of a mod of a fangame that crosses it over with another fangame from the same fandom.
LISA: Timeless in Pointless - Drunkard's Paradise is a minor retooling of Scholar of the Wilbur Sin that lets you replay the expanded events of central Olathe as a new set of faces, those being Elton Broll and Bernard Connorfold.
Do Scholar of the Wilbur Sin again, but as a different old loser with a different new friend.
More party members to play around with, comprising of all the extras from SOTWS and Timeless, as well as 3+ new party members (poorly stitched together via collage)*.
*Okay, fine. You can keep Joel too.
Functional-ish John Spin.
A stronger Georgy.
The return of the meaning of life.
Every terrible idea I had executed to the best of my ability.
And grievous violations of the lore of literally everything involved
(wait, why is this a selling point).
LISA: the Pointless - Scholar of the Wilbur sin was headed JCJimmy and made by him and many other willing participants, and LISA: the Timeless was by Russian Archives.
Brutal Orchestra was by Talia Mair and Nicolás Delgado.
No More Heroes was by Grasshopper Manufacture.
I bear no relation to any of these people other than enjoying their work. I take no credit for anything other than some changed dialogue/events and some minor sprite edits.
This isn’t an official LISA title, and the publishers of the official trilogy suggest that you play one of the mainline games before moving on to any fan games. More info can be found here.
Obligatory Tags Section:
#fangame #LISA #LISAthePointless #LISAtheTimeless #ScholarOfTheWilburSin #rpg
Intense Cartoon Violence
Intense Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Sexual Violence
Alcohol Use
Drug Use
Tobacco Use
Brief Nudity
Sexual Themes
Strong Language
Mature Humor