
Comments (4)

What do you think?

Great game as usual one or two ​bugs to fix but all in all great fun thanks.

At the end I believe you use some sort of counter int to count how many of the boss girls I kill before the game ends when it counts to 3. If i press escape after killing 2 it resets the battle but not the counter.

I just killed one of them and the game ended, if you are using a counter int i think you need to reset it to 0 if Esc is pressed.

How could I not play my favourite girl again ;)

YouTuber: Fellowplayer



Version: 0.1.0over 3 years ago

-Chronological order: 

-Necrocage Year;  Chapter 1 Episode 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 

-Old Berserker 1 

-NecroCage 2: Volume I Volume II Column III

-Old Berserker 2 (Coming soon) 


-NECROCAGE III (Coming soon) 


W A S D Move 

Mouse Look 

Shift Run 

Jump space 

Q Slow Motion 

Alt Roll

F Short Attack 

C Crouch 

E  Interact 

Space + Space Jetpack 


In the last crossing of Vall 1330 years after necrocage 2, he comes across a devastated sandy plains, or so it seems. You will have to deactivate the tower that powers the missile factory, More than 300 missiles will fall on humans to eradicate them completely. Vall's last story arc 

Thanks to everyone who has followed the story,


-Orden Cronologico:

-Necrocage Year; Capitulo 1 Capitulo 2 Capitulo 3 Capitulo 4 Capitulo 5

-Old Berserker 1

-NecroCage 2: Volumen I Volumen II Volumen III

-Old Berserker 2 (Proximamente)


-NECROCAGE III (Proximamente)


W A S D Moverte

Raton Mirar

Shift Correr

Espacio Saltar

Q Camara Lenta

Alt Rodar

F Ataque Corto

C Agacharse

E Interactuar

Espacio + Espacio Jetpack


En la ultima travesia de Vall 1330 años despues de necrocage 2,se encuentra con unas devastadas llanuras de arena,o eso parece.

Tendras que desactivar la torre que da energia a la fabrica de misiles,

Mas de 300 misiles caeran sobre los humanos para erradicarlos completamente.

Ultimo arco argumental de Vall

Gracias a todo el mundo que ha seguido la historia,


#action #shooter #scifi #femaleprotagonist

Fantasy Violence
Realistic Bloodshed
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