Comments (6)
good effort on the demo need to work on the hit boxes a little and not much room to run around get away from the ai other than that ilike it
nice try is told me for you good luck
pixelated cry of fear
The hitboxes definitely need a re-work, as a comment already said, and the combat system does feel a bit stiff. But it seems like a promising demo.
Here is my take on this game: https://youtu.be/MiCItbbT7N4

The official Valencia Game page
Valencia is a story-mode game with parkour, platforming, and fighting elements. It follows a challenging storyline set in a world torn apart by war and chaos.
In this parkour/fighting game mode, you must fight an oncoming wave of Mechas and robots and try to last as long as possible. As the waves progress, the game's difficulty rises. Will you be able to survive?
Coming soon

Move left or right - [A] and [D]
Jump - [SPACE]
Run - [SHIFT] whilst moving
Slide - [S + Run]
Punch - [K]
Kick - [J]
Heal - [L]
Pause - [ESCAPE]
If you have an issue like this: “Valencia is damaged and can’t be opened. You should move it to the Trash”, open up terminal and paste in the following command: “xattr -cr” add a space and drag in the Valencia application, then hit enter. If the problem persists, try playing the game through the web browser or follow this article here.
I hope you enjoy!
This game is in pre-alpha, and is subject to manyyy bugs (and loads of changes), if you encounter any, just drop them in the comments below along with a way to reproduce the bug and I’ll look into it. Thanks!
#ValenciaGame2023 #StudioJabari
#adventure #rpg #action #pixelart #black-creator #speedrun #action-adventure #scifi #survival #strategy #arcade #story #web