Game Community
An Epic Community by Mr. Glasgow
60 Members

Comments (93)

What do you think?


how do you make your characters

ok, why the f@$k cant i download it?

never thought i'd see a blam oc lol, nice!


Welcome back David!

Now I know what you are thinking, "Mr. Glasgow, didn't I already win this game of yours?". You would be correct!

Well, not really. We were having so much fun, but the time flew by so fast that we barely even got started with our little game! We put so much effort into it, so why should we stop here?

So we set up a new little game for you. Same rules as before, but with new little devices at your disposal! Who knows, maybe some new friends may come to play!

Sorry for punching you out cold when you exited the elevator, we both know that you would not have gone quietly into our new little game for you. But now that you are here....

....Let's have some fun :)


The members who participated in developing this game are as follows :

Even though most of the soundtrack was created by LarsDan, there are other nonoriginal soundtracks taken from other games. The soundtracks used have their creators credited in the music player.

The external software used for creating some of the assets are Blender, Clip Studio Paint Pro, FireAlpaca, JSFXR, FL Studio 20, and PhotoMosh.

HUGE special thanks to @Pake_Official for Beta testing large portions of the (classic) game and finding a large amount of bugs (which have obviously been patched out).

#horror #fnaf #other

Intense Cartoon Violence
Intense Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence
Blood and Gore
Mild Language
Crass Humor

guys this game is getting an epically awesome crossovr with one night and flumpters 2 isn t this so awesjme

if i played G2 Classic, i would want my money back even if i didnt pay for it
also stuff is going well so thats cool, almost completely functional but artistically incomplete so yay

so close to finishing the main gameplay but the code is like a puzzle now

im not good at solving puzzles

Anger mangagement classes are available today 100% no scam

"Oh boy i cant wait to work on the G2 recode and finish the AI"
-Me, whos going to procrastinate the entire day and do nothing

Although, Organ was finished and SG is kinda working
He doesnt move but pieces of him function sorta

hooray only two or three characters left to program in this funky place including the very special gentleman and the gambling addict

Making new spam tabs for the VIRUS, ones that serve more purpose, consequence, balancing, and making them less ass in general.

Hey, three more characters are programmed now, and that's epic.

Look at the goofus

Better code update + Glasgow's AI