
Comments (49)

What do you think?

Love this game!

Why is this not on Steam ?!?

This game had mad potential, I was having a great time just building up my little town from little hamlet to bustling city, There are of course things that need to be fixed improved upon and added. But that's to be expected with something in development. The ship combat was interesting the mechanic of how to use the main arms was quick to learn and entertaining to use. The building was easy and fun, And the visual style is just fantastic. The monsters were a bit too frequent and overly powerful at time, I had to restart about 12 times when i first picked it up till i got something that would last down. But that small gripe aside, Because I myself was getting used to the mechanics of the game, I see a lot of potential in this and would LOVE to see this all finished up with more building options ships maybe but not really needed.
Anyway. Great idea fun and addicting, You have the makings of a real winning game here.

i Love love love this game is one of the best games i have played in a while can't wait for the finished product.

Now this is a great game! im looking forward to this one good luck!

Amazing game. I have no idea why no one famous on YouTube hasn't played this yet. Add a storyline, or quests, it would make it much better.


A Nation of Wind

Version: 1.5.0over 12 years ago

“A Nation of Wind” is a freeware video game featuring elements of gameplay from both “Arena Shooters” (like Geometry Wars, Super Stardust, and Asteroids), and “Real Time Strategy” games, (such as Populous, Starcraft, and Actraiser).

Set in a world of floating islands and airships, the player is tasked with commanding a ship and establishing/defending colonies. Players will be forced to deal with the bizarre creatures that come up from the lower atmospheres to wreak havoc on their airship and settlements, while appeasing the god’s of the land and eventually bending them to the player’s will.

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Suggestive Themes

"A Nation of Wind" soundtrack available on bandcamp!