Adventure Awaits
"An expansive adventure. Dialogue... everywhere. Cutscenes... everywhere. Grinding... everywhere."
Adventure Awaits was a development project with a larger focus on design rather than programming or art. Built in RPGMaker VX Ace, I was able to get stuck in straight away with the design aspects and really control the story and level design from the get-go without having to struggle through creating every aspect. The general goal for the project was to consolidate my skills in level design whilst also gaining lesser experience in the other fields. Besides the actual designing of the dialogue, story and levels there was a lot of game balancing in the form of statistics and database objects and some unconventional programming. By unconventional, I mean the language was mostly visual; I had to work with conditionals and expression but you were quite limited with the engine's base scripting capabilities.
There is roughly an hour or two of gameplay in this, with plenty of story elements and cutscenes; hidden gems, some simple crafting and a lot of grinding. I chose an RPG for a project like this because it gave me a lot of variety in terms of environment for different levels. Whilst it only uses art that came with the engine, it makes up with uniquity in other areas. It's a project I'm proud of and shows the 'stepping stone' path I've taken as I build up my skills in different fields of development.