Comments (143)
cool game
this is Zelda but better
I freaking love this game. Thank you for making it.
Perfecto game! Thank you very much, I beat it. Beautiful story and characters and artwork. I think most of the world is a little too big and open, but I didn't mind much with the running boots, so thanks for those :)
Pretty good. And the Zelda influences are more than just a little obvious. lol, almost all the sound effects are from Zelda. Well, at least this is a game Nintendo wouldn't be able to get removed since most of the assets are original.
I do have a few nitpicks, though. Some of the rooms in dungeons, at least in the first one, since that's as far as I've made it right now, they're a little too big and have far too many enemies to kill when it comes to having to kill all the enemies to open up the next door. And the second nitpick is that the Midi music can get kind of grating.
Dragonian- Build A
This is the one originally released. Compare and contrast with Build B.
Dragonian- Build B
This is the one I use for when I want to play on my terrible Windows XP computer. Compare and contrast with Build A, the original release.
Dragonian- GM8.1 Source Code
If you ever wanted to edit the game and somehow have Game Maker 8.1, here you go. This is based on the one with the flute-cloning glitch, so beware.
Let's take the best of both the 2D and 3D worlds in the Zelda franchise, and make one (albeit cheaply made) 3D game out of them. This is that game.
What does it have? Well, it's got retro-type graphics, not-so-linear gameplay, a jump button, two items that were once regulated to the 2D world, an original story, cinematics, and two rather important girls.
In the land of Sierr, a great calamity is about to ensue. The Four Witches have been sealed away in their shrines, while their amulets are sent to the other ends of the land. ...and the Dragonian plots to take over the land as the people know it. Only one boy can save the Four Witches, get back the amulets, and face the Dragonian before it's too late.
Originally released in June 20, 2015.
Fantasy Violence