Comments (4)
Hey, im interested in looking at your code but I can't get the link to work, is there any chance you could repost the link, thanks!
I kind of wish there was a tutorial because I dont realy know whats going on but outher that\n that it seems great.
Hey, this has a lot of potential, obviously needs a bit more content, i was just cruising around from location to location without much going on, but i like the style. One thing i noticed was that every time I warped or entered a base i had to click the screen to get the keyboard to work, is that intentional?
Aether Core
Development has been completely cancelled, there's no point keeping this to myself so if anyone wants to see the code or use the art, you can download the entire project at https://www.dropbox.com/sh/awnnyvyzajhz8bh/AABEog3Tc9d-1XMpfrx3m11ka?dl=0. I'll probably put the art on opengameart.org as well.
Currently in public alpha 0.2.
Aether Core is a 2D top down space sim, featuring a randomly generated environment. The game takes place in a near future solar system where space is privatised but travel between stars is not possible yet.