
Comments (3)

What do you think?

Amazing game, my only problem is the sweet talk button doesn't do anything. Is that a problem or is it just not implemented yet?

For some reason when i try to use the arrow keys or wasd my character won't move. But the game looks really interesting and i would like to give it a shot, so please tell me how to fix it.


Affectionate Armament (2 Player)

Version: 1.0.0almost 10 years ago

Affectionate Armament (2 Player)

Version: 1.0.0almost 10 years ago

Two players, one weapon! Move quickly to acquire the weapon, or be cautios and try to sweet talk your way to control. Regardless, if you overdo it it will become hot-headed and go berzerk!


We decided to go with ninjas on a construction site because we thought no one would even ask for a story then.


Keyboard Controls are a bit complicated since it is a two player game, but we decided to include it for those that dare to try. The game is playtested with gamepads (Xbox One), so they should have the best feel. Since all that combined are a lot of buttons, we have uploaded the controls as a screenshot for you and your friend/enemy to use as a cheat sheet. Of course they are also visible in the main menu of the game.

Currently not really playable on some resolution ratios. We will try to update it soon. It was our first game jam entry ever! The theme was "An Unconventional Weapon". You can find the entry here:

We did everything that is currently submitted here with two people in 72 hours - besides the music which is taken from

#ldjam #2player #twoplayer #vs #ld32

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence

Post Mortem on our website

Affectionate Armament Post-Jam Release 0.1 Changelog