
Comments (2)

What do you think?

Good, but internet explorer crashed when I finished level four. Despite being pixel art I can see your style in the graphics.

The hands are back and they are not alone, test your right and left skills with this puzzle game, 40 levels will test how ambidextrous you are.

Symmetric worlds are made to play with both hands at same time, try to do all your moves on mirror and simultaneous, trust your senses

Hands, Eyes, Ears, Feet, Lungs, Brains...have fun with this dual game, co-op are welcome.


Ambidextrous 4 Soundtrack is here

Ambidextrous 4 Walkthrough video

first 15 levels on game play video, hands episodes 1-10 and eyes episodes 11-15

Ambidextrous 4 is Here!