Comments (22)
Everyone in the comments are idiots
knock knock
Me: Who's ther
Me:Why who?
???:Why are you reading this!?
I got a new mouse pad... what? oh yeah wrong place.
IMPORTANT Game directory is: C:\UDK\ApexCraftGame\Binaries\Win32\UDK.exe(the game don't create shortcut)
Commands: fly, walk, physicsgun,
Controls: for commands "`", for jump above the blocks "double space"
Requirements: Minimum Geforce 820m
And also have Multiplayer
Check out my youtube channel and SUBSCRIBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSzV_6RlPkwnLQN_Mi7d00w
It's recomended for Jacksepticeye
This is like Minecraft but have physics and other cool things
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